👆thats me
Oooh. That’s how it works. Rad
Why are the lights on the grid out?
The major nft exchanges paid a portion of each sale to the artists, yes. It was one of the things that NFTs, and blockchain in general, was supposed to help solve for. IMO it’s a good use case for blockchain being used when paired with real world items.
Has everyone been too nice? Cause I can help with that if you want.
I actually have no problems using my Samsung Q90 or the Samsung I had prior in conjunction with my Apple TV. Not sure if it’s a brand thing or I’ve gotten lucky but I’ve never had any issues like described in this thread pretending it’sa dumb tv and using it that way.
I’d still prefer a true dumb tv though.
That fucks me up.
But also, if we could move through the earth itself we’d come to the ‘edge’ and eventually out onto the surface of the earth… right back where we started. Fuck.
It’s not.
The boys are just really fuckin bad at the festival curves. I used to go every year (divorce and single income make the trip out of reach these days) and the first lap was always a hot mess into the curves. They’d sometimes go in 4 wide when there’s really a single line through the curves. Makes for exciting racing for sure.
Yep, starting back up with that now. We’re also coming into flu season soon which is def mask season.
His sugar tariffs have driven food prices in the US far above the rest of the world.
This is fuckin rad. I miss the hell out of my Treo. I played this game so damn much in my downtime.