And then I call you again immediately, because I don't call unless it's a very time-sensitive matter... but that's probably why the meme isn't referencing me in the first place.
miss the proliferation of arcade video game cabinets.
One of the few nice things that's come around my area is a $15 all you can play pinball place. I love it.
so instead they bribed lots of game developers to make things Epic exclusive.
Fuck Epic. I just lost the ability to play rocket league because they bought the developers, ripped it off of steam, and now force you to agree to some wickedly invasive TOS to have an epic account.
There are enough already in those positions. Even heavily biased industries rarely get close to being dominated by one political party. The 'liberal white towers' of academia are only something like 1:6 Dem/left:Rep/right, and that's usually one of the extremes that republicans bitch about. They'd bitch about other industries if they were anywhere close. I would bet there are enough lackeys and people who feel neutral that the oh-so-important people don't feel much negative blowback.
I might have to pull out the disc and fire it up then.
I actually like how flippantly you say you never beat it because you didn’t really get into it.
I more meant that I didn't even try past the first area/level. I remember asking myself, "Is this a zelda game?" because it was just so different than the 3d versions I had played.
It's really obvious if I say it, and I don't want to connect her or myself to any online account.
Hmm, let me see if I can let you know (if you already know) that you know it. It was her nickname, then similar to a name of a casino.
I think Ian M. Banks ('The Culture' series) already had that, unless that's specifically what you were referencing. Though humanity wasn't a part of The Culture, as explicitly explained when they were viewing us like apes in a zoo, so the ringworlds with primitive cultures on them that had AI machine minds tending them weren't from the wake of humanity.
Brb, gotta cheerfully say "you're so bad!" to the ole partner and give it a whole new meaning when being flirtatious.
... and don't call me Surely. /insert_say_the_line_meme
There is more going on in the background with cat coat colors, genetically, than dog coat colors, genetically. While the variations are huge in dogs (here's just one breed's possibilities), it's quite possible to know the chances of the offspring from what the current generation are and what their parents were. Here's another look at that. Horses are another one where there's enough going on that you can't always tell what they'll throw.
If she was able to have the labor portion, I'd assume everything else went according to normal pregnancy standards. So, yes, I guess 14-year old Mary was lactating?
It's like the misspellings in the phishing emails: it ensures only people who will fall for the trick will respond. If some model messaged you out of the blue, you're more likely to be suspicious or you feel that you're super attractive and a model might actually reach out to you. Either way you're more likely to not bite on the bait.