Bah, scientists who care about the phosphorus cycle are screwy in the head. Real sciency types are all about the nitrate cycle!
-paraphrased from a microbiologist
Bah, scientists who care about the phosphorus cycle are screwy in the head. Real sciency types are all about the nitrate cycle!
-paraphrased from a microbiologist
Mouth. Water goes in the mouth, across some cool counterflowing blood veins, and exits the gills.
I mean, how do we know the sister is an idiot? Posting bond for a family member is understandable. Unless they're violent or dangerous, and frankly, this sovcit doesn't seem like that. A fool, and suckered in by some real hucksters who are hawking him a product that will hurt him, but not a danger.
I suppose it's possible. The amount of absorption is going to depend on what specifically is 'in there.' Most vitamins (for example) have been separated from their pre-eaten location/environment by the physical mastication, churning, and compression; and by chemical means by chelation agents, acid/enzyme digestion, or other molecules that break apart lipid blobs and such; and even more importantly, are done in areas designed for absorption with lots of villi to give a million times the surface area. Alcohol, the oft-given example of a substance absorbed by the rear part of your gastric tube, is a fairly 'ready to be absorbed' compound. Suppositories are also similarly in a state that makes their active agents easily absorbed.
A whole bananal probably is going to be absorbed like a rock through a 5mm sieve. The bacteria in the rectum might start the process, breaking down the cells and matrix of the banana into readily absorbed compounds, but if you've ever seen an organic object like an apple or banana rot outside somewhere, it is a very slow process. You'll be much more likely to suffer some form of infection/sepsis from the bloom of bacteria (or the smaller chance of a fungal infection) long before enough of the banana is absorbed.
All of this is even more true if the OP was shoving them still in their skins in. The bananal skin will definitely be a very slow degradation, and absorb like an intelligent thought into the president elect.
'Cold-blooded' is a term that's a little outdated, because of the confusion it creates around this very concept. has some information on it, and even says it's an informal term. Generally speaking, if we refer to something as cold-blooded, it's more reliant on or affected by the external temperature, while warm-blooded creatures will 'deal with' the external temperature.
The reason is likely to compete with Uber, 🤦
A few points of clarity, as I have a family member who's pretty high up at waymo. First, they don't want to compete with uber. Waymo isn't really concerned with driverless cars that you or I would be owning/using, and they don't want (at this point anyway) to try to start a new taxi service. Right now you order an uber and a waymo car might show up. . They want the commercial side of the equation. How much would uber pay to not have to pay drivers? How much would a shipping company fork over when they can jettison the $75k-150 drivers?
Second, I know for a fact that the upper management was pushing for the cars to drive like this. I can nearly quote said family member opining that if the cars followed all the rules of the road, they wouldn't perform well, couching it in the language of 'efficiency.' It was something like, "being polite creates confusion in other drivers. They expect you to roll through the stop sign or turn right ahead of them even if they have right of way." So now the waymo cars do the same thing. Yay, "social norms."
A third point is that, as someone else mentioned, the cars are now trained, not 'programmed' with instructions to follow. Said family member spoke of when they switched to the machine learning model, and it was better than the highly complicated (and I'm dumbing down my description because I can't describe it well) series of if-else statements. With that training comes the issue of the folks in charge of things not knowing exactly what is going on. An issue that was described to me was their cars driving right at the edge of the lane, rather than in the center of it, and they couldn't figure out why or (at that point, anyway) how to fix it.
As an addendum to that third point, the training data is us, quite literally. They get and/or purchase people's driving. I think at one time it was actual video, not sure now. So if 90% of drivers blast through at the moment of the red light change if they can, it's likely you'll hear about it eventually from waymo. It's a weakness that ties right into that 'social norm' thing. We're not really training safer driving by having machine drivers, we're just removing some of the human factors like fatigue or attention deficits. Again, as I get frustrated with the language of said family member (and I'm paraphrasing), 'how much do we really want to focus on low percentage occurrences? Improving the 'miles per collision' is best at the big things.'
HA! I made it to elder wizard status. Your memes have no power here! croak, die
I definitely liked diddy better, just because years later I remember the 'story' it had, and the fun of exploring the overworld. That magical feeling of getting to space? It was awesome. The challenge/gameplay may have been tighter in mario, but diddy was just overall more fun.
♫ What is love? ♬
♬♬Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me ♬♫
♬Please use lube♬♬♬♬♬♬
Can you imagine knowing that people refuse to help you because they think ghosts are real? Dying of preventable causes because some idiot was told something invisible existed? ~~Medicine~~ Aid right at your fingertips from qualified professionals but quasi-religion ensured it didn't happen?
That, AND the software is a piece of shit that you need to wait 15 minutes every time you jump to a different time, even if that time is 5 seconds away... Ask me how I come to be so quick with this response. I'm not bitter about working with a cheap employer's video system, not at all.
It sounds like they already moved the body after death. They specifically moved the body to that seat.