[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 14 points 1 week ago

I would bet most of the people spending energy on complaining about mozilla are doing so because they love it. They loved what it was about, what it was pushing for, and that it was ultimately a gigantic line drawn in the sand against the intrusion of corporate fuckery by google and their like.

Thinking that people should just roll over and accept things becoming worse is such a weird fucking sentiment to espouse.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 16 points 2 weeks ago

You think lichens are representative off our conceptions about an 'organism' being off? My friends, let me introduce you to the weird world of bacteria, where one cell's waste becomes the triggering signal for a billion cells with completely different DNA to begin acting in concert. Your brain patterns? Yup, partially affected by short chain fatty acids released by bacteria in the gut. That terrible acne you suffered from in high school? Oh boy, more bacteria, and not just on your skin but in your gut and and your skin and in your skin!

Let's not even get started on bacterial sex habits either. It would be equivalent to a human randomly mating with a squirrel sometime, and the squirrel suddenly starts washing its hands.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 13 points 2 weeks ago

Heh, the amerikkkan answer is simple: don't let them rent next to you. They've accomplished it by ridiculous rent prices, charging inmates to be in jail (so they come out with debt), and shackling them to low paying jobs.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 12 points 3 weeks ago

Someone figured out that you didn't have to install starcraft to play it, just copy/paste the files. Those were some good times.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 15 points 1 month ago

data science

Oh god, just imagining having to tweak the spectroscopy algorithms again in R has me whimpering.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 14 points 1 month ago

I guess this is a good example of how wikipedia can be wrong. I checked the sources for one of the states that it listed as yes, and it said it was no. (#28 on the source list, if you care)

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 15 points 1 month ago

Who are these people working at "DOGE" anyway? Is it that fresh high school graduate kid? Are they still doing the "80 hour weeks" without pay?

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 12 points 1 month ago

Hmm, just spitballing here, but what could you point to on an elephant that's unique (and/or in the public thoughts of elephants)? Memory, size, trunks, large ears, grey skin, tusks, fear of mice, (name of them?) pachyderm?

For memory - Because they're the only animal that can remember how to score a strike?

Trunks - Because their trunks have room to spare?

Size - Because even the lions aren't willing to tell them they crossed the line.

Mice thing - Because they always beat the mice's half ounce balls.

Or maybe it's something to do with bowling? Turkeys, lanes, (heavy/big balls), spares, lines, shoes...

Shoes - Because they can finally borrow shoes that fit?

Turkeys - Even elephants love getting turkeys?

Spares - I dunno

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 15 points 2 months ago

Question for the doctor, especially due to your location of work. Have you ever been approached for shadowing? How would you prefer to be asked?

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 13 points 2 months ago

Fuck that thing, and it's unlimited factory ass. I've got your stonehenge, riiiight here.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 12 points 2 months ago

Am I just crazy, or is the mary illustrated here kind of a bitch? The baby isn't going to care if you get it a fucking onesie or a lasagna, because it definitely won't understand anything going on for another year, minimum. If I bring a gift 'for the baby' that the parents will use, isn't that just as good? Maybe gold, incense, and myrrh aren't the best things to put in the crib, but I'm pretty sure it was some 14-year old hands that opened the gift wrap, and those 14 year old hands can sell the expensive gifts if they want to.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 15 points 2 months ago

I'm not even going to look at the clock right now. It's not worth it.

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