[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I am 40 and have been gaming on PC my entire life.

Try running something like Arma 2 with a mid or low range PC with motion blur on vs off. You could get maybe 5 to 10 more fps having it off... and thats a big deal when you're maxing out at 30 to 40ish fps.

Arma is a horrible example, since it is so poorly optimized, you actually get a higher frame rate maxing everything out compared to running everything on low. lol

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 2 points 4 days ago

I just don't see them as mirrors. They are video screens with a camera in them. ;)

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Motion Blur and depth of field has almost no impact on performance. Same with Anisotropic Filtering and I can not understand why AF isn't always just defaulted to max, since even back in the golden age of gaming it had no real performance impact on any system.

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Sounds like a 1920's mobster wanting to get rid of those who stand in the way of free love.

"We're gonna fuck free; ice 'em, boys!"

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 66 points 1 week ago

looks in Task Manager

"What the hell is 'suspicious.exe?'"

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 69 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

If {Kolanaki != Employed_Here} then {exit()};

Making myself unfirable. 😎

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 138 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)


Would you rather sit next to a dead person or a crying baby for 4 hours on a plane?

Personally, I'd take the dead person.

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 132 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Being consistently cheaper would actually be attractive to many people. The thing is, none of these competitors can even muster that. Steam consistently has better sales, more often. And it's pretty funny seeing Amazon of all things not able to match or beat that. They are known for undercutting the competition, even at their own expense, just to get customers; It's literally how they got to be as big as they are.

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 97 points 3 weeks ago

Conservative commentators criticized the portrayal as outdated and offensive

Well yeah. Conservatives very often are outdated and offensive.

[-] Kolanaki@pawb.social 101 points 1 month ago

"Some people just wanna watch the world learn."

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