This is in my top 10 reasons not to switch. You can make them small still via a registry edit, but then it messes up the date/time display.

That sounds exhausting

It will take millions of years to recover from us

I'm 37 and fuck all of this wonky bullshit psychology. Stay healthy, keep fit and be as old as you want to be.

I think Network and Sharing Centre was more useful than the shit we have now.

Not seeing anyone recommend Sublime Text here. It's free for non commercial use and is fucking kickass and doesn't look like it came out of the 80's like NP++

Pretty sure most of the abk staff were just keen to get rid of Bobby. Maybe shortsighted but hey, MS isn't the worst company to work for.

I'm not going to lie, I didn't read all of that, because I'm supposed to be working, but having had top and bottom surgery, I can give my bit of insight.

I fucking hated how horny I was ALL THE FUCKING TIME!! I can't describe how disruptive and just fucked up it was. I think I've blocked a lot of it out tbh. I never really enjoyed orgasms, it was just a bunch of work that lead up to a great nothing burger, but after masturbating, all I wanted to do was masturbate again.

I was lucky to start HRT in 2009 and that took a lot of it away, it got to the point where I didn't think about sex at all, I went the complete other direction, I would go months without masturbating and it was kinda bliss. I still felt sexual attraction, but it was nothing like it was.

I eventually got another gf and initially the excitement of us all ended up with us having a lot of sex, but a few months into our relationship, I got an orchi and all that went away, I had 0 interest in sex again and didn't really enjoy it, mostly doing it for my partner.

In 2018 i had srs and that changed quite a bit, I got more in touch with my body and started enjoying my sexuality, but that's also faded quite a bit. The intimacy and excitement of sex is nice but I rarely if ever orgasm and masturbating is pretty much just meh.

Anyways, the point of telling you all this is that, viewpoints on sex and sexuality can change with body changes, so while your instinct is to remove all possibility of it, I'd start with just removing the feelings first. You could try go on T blockers, specifically Cyproterone acetate, it works wonders at turning this shit off, but it comes with issues in itself, without some form of sex hormones, your bones won't store enough calcium and you will get osteoporosis, so it's not a long term solution either way.

There's your problem right there.. You need to cut wages, do some layoffs, and increase the price of your product while reducing the size and quality of it. This is the only way to beat inflation now..

[-] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If its a work laptop then their IT dept isn't doing shit. Just change the GPO. I've literally never seen this on my work or personal PC.

For as long as MS makes products for enterprise environments, there will be a way to turn this shit off.

I really miss some of the small communities that just don't exist here.. But yes, fuck reddit, I'm not going back.

Yup, they just wrote an app for Tildes.

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