The good old days..

I don't buy it.

Who would win, a star destroyer with laser like weapons that need to be manually aimed, or a ship with a shield, a battery of highly powered missiles and phasers that auto fire at targets?

Who would win, 100 tie fighters with no shielding that need to be facing the target to shoot, or a few shuttles with shields and phasers that auto fire in almost any direction?

Shields change the game, also having ships you don't need to directly face the enemy with to shoot, or manually aim with, makes the empire look like chumps.

👍🏼 I'm going to go enjoy my Sunday now.

You keep defending them, the modern pioneer of planned obsolescence, the company that deliberately works to make their products unrepairable. I'm amazed they didn't invent the disposable vape.

That.. Made no sense. But shirking personal responsibility to be conscious of the effects of your product choices due to convenience seems to be pretty common.

Like I said, you do you.

I make more educated choices where I can because I actually care about the damage these things do and I'd prefer not to live in a rubbish dump.

Then find one that does. "most of them" isn't an excuse.

The nerds seem to love ThinkPads

Yeah, I have a bunch of old phones that I rescued and I'd love to set them up as an arm kubernetes cluster to play with.

The insatiable need for thinner and lighter phones means that every new version of gorilla glass allows them to make it thinner. A 1mm piece of gorilla glass holds up way better than the thin shit they use.

I was really excited to see that OnePlus has official parts distributors that sell oem parts. I got a new battery, USB port, seal, screen protector and battery pull tab for $90. Just a pity it costs $300 for a new screen.

While capitalism is a disease, publicly traded companies are the festering wounds. When the product becomes investor sentiment, the only thing that matters is making more profits at any cost

Was home schooled because my mom couldn't afford to send me to a decent school. I really don't recommend it. When I did it, I also believed in that whole "why would I want to go to school where kids are mean and bully each other" shit. And while I think kids are cruel and school is shit, I do not recommend doing home schooling at all. It just fucked me up.

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