[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 52 points 10 months ago

Hexbear is a Troskyist website. The News Mega is a Newspaper.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 54 points 11 months ago

clueless Today I will ask the fascist death machine I work for why it is supporting fascism and death.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 80 points 11 months ago

Conflating Jews in Israel with Zionists.

Unfortunately, he does it in this very post.

When people talk about "jews" or "israelis" generally as perpetuating the murder of children, they are engaging in the blood libel trope.

Those two statements (with "jews" vs with "israelis") are in no way the same. The first is antisemitism, the second is objective fact and the policy of the Israeli state. To conflate the two is antisemitic, and also plays into Israeli propaganda that they are the representatives of Jews and Judaism.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 56 points 11 months ago

Settlers will spend years blowing the limbs off of peaceful protesters with sniper rifles and turning apartments full of children into rubble while the world ignores it. When there's retaliation, the whole world starts crying about how terrorism (us-foreign-policy) is wrong and bad and counterproductive and how this isn't the way for Palestinians to be heard (liberalism) and if they were just PEACEFUL (implication that Arabs are not capable of peace without the guiding cracker hand) then people would listen.

Well, if terrorism isn't effective, why are so many illegal settlers running scared back to amerikkka? Why are results being achieved now that were never even a remote possibility with peaceful protests? Perhaps if they don't want to be opposed violently, settlers shouldn't violently suppress their victims until every option but terrorism has been eliminated.

The worst argument is the "look at all the Palestinians dying (who would otherwise be fine) because of Hamas" argument. You have to lack the capacity for object permanence to believe this, or have never even heard of the state of Israel before. Either way, shut the fuck up.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 55 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Copying my comment from another thread.

"you can't tell me terrorism is good because it's never good"

Liberals are so obsessed with something being "good" or "bad" (meaning things that make them feel good or bad) that they miss the point. They can literally acknowledge how slaves killing their masters is effectively self-inflicted by the masters, and the only reason they don't always immediately turn around and say "but killing is bad" is because it was long ago and they're fully aware of how racist they would sound if they did.

"Terrorism is never good" is childish, because "terrorism" is before anything else an insult pointed at non-white people who defend their rights and tactics that many consider "terrorism" (guerilla tactics, surprise attacks, etc.) can be a means to a good end - in this case halting the settlement of Palestinian land.

Adult settlers who voluntarily live in illegal Israeli settlements have participated in a genocide of the Palestinian people, the same way German settlers during WW2 were participants in the genocide of the people of Eastern European nations, and those who took the property of Jews were direct participants in the Shoah. They're not unaware of what happened to give them that land. Often they personally committed the violence. They were comfortable with this because they believed that the IDF would protect them. It's absolutely ridiculous to see people all around the world, who have stood by and done nothing about this for generations as the Palestinians were repeatedly murdered for attempting peaceful resistance, suddenly start crying "terrorism" when Hamas (a group which would likely not exist and hold power without having been funded by Israel) has inflicted violence on the settlers in turn.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 61 points 11 months ago

New type of guy: angry that lately people are misinterpreting his political stance as anticolonial when he actually just really hates electronica music.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 71 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I hate liberal politics. Israel does not have a "right to defend itself", colonies don't even have a right to exist. Every adult Israeli who does not oppose the state of Israel is complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 49 points 11 months ago

Takes massive hit from bong.

"Bro, have you ever thought that the people being genocided... are as bad as the people genociding?" smoking-fish

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 102 points 11 months ago

This cannot be allowed to happen. If this happens and we stand by, we are all damned for eternity. Our children will hate us, and they'll be right.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 63 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Someone please explain how the settlers holding a music festival on stolen land right next to the giant ghetto their government routinely attempts to liquidate are "innocent civilians".

Swap "Israeli-Palestinian" with "European-Native American" and it suddenly becomes incredibly obvious to many more people what's wrong in this situation. It's convenient to only pay lip service to opposing colonialism in situations where the colonisation is functionally complete and your control will never be threatened.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 75 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You're right, there are only a few. However, I'm surprised and disappointed that there are any at all.

[-] LeninWeave@hexbear.net 182 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This thread is an embarrassment, I can't believe there are people on Hexbear handwringing about violence against settler civilians. Did Native Americans never kill colonizer civilians? Are we going to start condemning the Haitian revolutionaries?

Israelis are constantly pretending they live in fear of being killed by Palestinian "terrorists". Have they considered fucking leaving, which is an option the Palestinians don't even have? No Israeli children would be in a position to be killed in the fighting or held hostage if their colonizer parents hadn't put them there. These children are victims, but they're victims of their colonizer parents and colonizer politicians.

You want to talk about children being held hostage to ensure compliance from adults? How many Palestinian children are there in the open air prison of Gaza, where 2/3 of the population are under 25 years old?

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