Wow the icon saga is finished!?
If anyone wants to throw away a couple hours, there was SO much discussion (and initially drama) over it:
Or a firewall that doesn't rely on windows firewall, since programs will just whitelist themselves from it during installation
Most games have a terrible story that merely serve as plot points to give context to what's happening. The lore and world building is usually pretty good but story rarely is better than 'ok'
Does waydroid support safetynet? That seems to be what op is talking about
“If everyone becomes Sato, we may have to be addressed by our first names or by numbers,” he said, according to the Mainichi. “I don’t think that would be a good world to live in.”
What's wrong with names?
Why not a permission slip in the beginning of the year with checkboxes for everything that might need a permission slip. Is there a requirement for them to be specific?
Wait, there's a newer redisgn than new?
Do those work on Android?
4 very large cores and 4 large cores
Of course it will be faster if they replace the efficiency cores with high performance ones.
"Deleted" my Facebook account 3 times in last couple years. I can still log in
I just run all games behind a firewall. Hopefully that blocks unity from learning about steam installs too.