Love to see it. Exploit preferential voting, have your say (personally greens, but anything other than abortion illegal will do)
You're not wrong. But generally the idiocy is in response to beserkeness elsewhere, madness follows…
Was here to say jury nullification rocks. So many more people should know.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government…
Klaatu, Verata, Nikto
If manipulating reddit isn't already a betting sport, it's not far away. Guessing it is in Russia (or at least a drinking game), just like the rest of the big 'social' netwerks. Enjoy your next election. Wherever you are :)
So, what's a cola ?
Mostly less efficient vultures, but way more magnificent, so they've got that going for them. (In Australia, so the Wedge Tail eagle is the niche filler and very much a scavenger, always a pleasure to see tho)
Also, "Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity/Incompetence", one form of Hanlon's razor.
So, Transitively, courage is not malicious?
Explicitly denying a list of companies, e.g. Meta for now, is likely more legally defensible and gets around the issue of indie devs (who mayhap have TOS that allow ads, and it's the eye of the user that sees the ads, still patreon or straight up paid apps are more in keeping with the fediverse IMO). It also makes the point very specific that these assholes are unwelcome. Perhaps the EFF or someone could draft something... Trick would be to update it as new pricks enter the arena, but that doesn't seem unachievable.
All good, be well...and thanks.
But line must go up quarterly, even if you have no need...Sigh.