[-] Mananers@lemmy.world 20 points 8 months ago

Im the oldest of three brothers.

Me and the youngest brother are pretty tight. Which hasn't always been the case. There was an eleven year gap between us so it was pretty touch and go growing up. When I moved back in with the parents briefly just as he was getting out of highschool, we started getting along a lot better and we ended up forming a really solid relationship. I'm really proud of the man he's grown into.

The middle brother... Well, it would be easy to say that he found religion and we drifted apart... But my youngest brother also found religion and that didn't mess our relationship up at all (Im agnostic leabing towards atheism)

The middle brother just .. isn't interested in figuring out how to be friendly. My youngest brother and I can disagree about stuff and be fine with it, but middle brother dige his heels in and can't ever find a way around it. So 1 out of 2 isn't too bad, honestly. I leave the lines of communication open for the middle brother, and every now and then we have a fun conversation. But that's about it.

[-] Mananers@lemmy.world 7 points 9 months ago

Technically apple users can fix the quality issue with a change in their settings to stop compression of images sent via MMS.

As to android phones not having high quality, your def right about that. The RCS rollout was terrible. But most of the flagship devices have RCS and a lot more carriers are allowing it (here in Canada at least. I assume we're behind the curve though)

Samsung has enabled RCS down to even their cheapest handsets, (I believe) but apple isn't adopting that till next year, and then we'll be able to skip the shenanigans

[-] Mananers@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

It wouldn't surprise me if you're experiencing that old bug that happened when iOS users went to android. Their phone number would be in apples system as an iMessage number, and wouldn't recognize that it wasn't. So people would message you, and the message would get lost in the aether.

I don't understand what beeper is doing (cause I'm dumb and too lazy to look it up) but your number might be stuck. Your friends might need to manually turn off iMessage for you (it used to be long pressing the send button in the message till it turns green)

I reallt hope apple actually adopts RCS next year. The standard is so much better than iMessage.

[-] Mananers@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

What kind of phone are you using? My Samsung has that 'freeform' option but it's called pop-up.

My wife's pixel 6a only has split screen, and that forces 2 apps.

[-] Mananers@lemmy.world 29 points 11 months ago

Glad to know that all it takes to get Indians to stop hating each other is to make racist statements about a country that did nothing but point out extrajudicial killings aren't cool.

Canada has lost its way a bit recently. We've let American rhetoric shape us more and more to the point that right leaning politicians tout American ideals, and our centrist politicians get away with elitist bullshit because it knows the majority of Canadians just want our government to function instead of engaging in culture wars.

I feel like articles like this one are trying to get more Canadians mad at Indians... and that's not helpful. India is lead by a Hindu version of Trump, and just because their disparate political parties are all falling out of the clown car to clutch their pearls isn't going to make me think the whole country is like this.

I am starting to feel like we are a country need to spend some time looking at ourselves and seeing if there is a way to go back to rebuilding the reputation we had in the 90s. Friendly to a fault, and willing to help keep peace again.

I'm probably too naive though.


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