They had a pretty rough go when beaver hats were in fashion...
That was a company of 1000 employees, over 500 of them in the traveling global sales force. There were about seven guys at the top taking home millions a year in those bonuses, and their whole priority was to maximize their personal incomes as much and as soon as possible.
In the shiny promotional videos, we were all about helping our customers, improving their lives, but in reality we weren't very good at that, only about 1/3 customers saw any benefits and maybe 3/100 would get anything close to what they were really hoping for, but... they didn't have any alternatives, so they were willing to let their health insurance pay for a $30K surgical procedure on the chance that they might be one of the lucky ones.
Research around methods of testing to determine who might and who might not benefit from the product? Actively undermined by the company.
Research around ways to improve product performance? Squashed as I described, it was more likely to "disrupt" the short term income streams they leaders were all enjoying than to make any significant improvements in income for them on any time schedule they care about.
This is nothing new for Google, compliance with local laws...
As a business, they're respecting the current US administration - probably weighing the likelihood of penalties depending on which side of the US legal system they choose to obey.
I have spent 30 years developing computerization of traditional medical tasks. Anytime a project gets anywhere near M.D. territory they villify it mercilessly, it's a threat to their cash cow, a threat to their status as the exalted font of all knowledge, a threat to their $600K/yr practice income - they think.
Doesn't even have to be about that. Einstein was a disruptor. He scribbled some theories on paper and it dramatically reshaped the global power and wealth dynamic.
The extremely rich have a singular top priority: to stay that way. Unpredictable change, regardless of the net change for good or bad, is not their friend.
This works at all levels. I was hired into the mid level of a company to "lead research to improve the product" - but I quickly found out: that was just a carrot to get me and others like me in the door to fill roles required by regulatory bodies: so many degreed this and thats to oversee implementation of the quality procedures, etc. Everyone above Director level in that company was making fat bonuses every quarter and they didn't want ANYTHING to change, not even an improvement in the product, it was making plenty of money with no signs of competition on the horizon. To announce a potential future improvement would be to derail current sales volumes, and there were new mansions under construction that still needed more quarters of bonuses to complete.
I've met both US Senators from Florida a couple of years before they got in the Senate. Neither of them gave the slightest impression of being a leader, in charge of their own destiny, or even a servant of the people. They were both just performers on a publicity tour, slaves to their schedules and scripts.
I have used both, back and forth for years.
Chrome serves me better.
I'm reasonably happy with XFCE/Xubuntu - it's not as slick of a desktop as KDE or Gnome, and in some ways that's a great thing.
Every sperm is sacred: