I'm still a virgin.
The mass effect trilogy. Yeah, shut up, the ending is great. NEVER had a problem with it. It's a videogame, really expecting that the ending will take into account all the decisions over 100 hours of gameplay and dialogue and give you a very personal ending for you is lunacy. Even real life doesn't work like that. The 3 endings with slight variations depending of your war assets was more than enough for me.
At this point I think this guy is trolling.
Yeah, coincidentally the majority of "teens" fucking each other seem like they have the best scenes, the girls are into it. Probably because they're not fucking a 50 year old ugly dude on steroids.
I'm unemployed, I don't have friends, girlfriend or any resemblance of social life.
No, because I wouldn't go to a concert. Too much people.
Wasn't he up class already?
I don't want to celebrate my birthday, ever. I have 0 friends and my family caring about it makes even sadder, since I'm still living with my mother it can't be helped but that isn't going to change so I dunno what to do
He never gave me money so he's an asshole.
Did it worked?