I don't agree with you on this, people are used to install app on other operating systems this way, there is a better way yes I'm not arguing this, but a lot of proprietary software is distributed this way and not on the snap store, and being ubuntu a noob friendly distro make it worse for the averange user to search the internet only to install deb packages instead of providing a user friendly interface!
Using windows without a license is illegal.
This is like saying you don't need to have a driving license to drive a car because the car doesn't complain about it.
Not gonna lie microg is not that bad, as everything as it's downsides, in my experience, indeed I'm writing this comment with a phone that has lineageos and microg installed.
Thing like gps are not the best not the worst either, bur every app I use work without any problem! And in the list there is even the app for my credit card.
Nope it's not a phishing email indeed I have received this 2 email in my email account where I have a discord account.
At least it's something! Sony didn't even bother to give them a cent!
Because Pop OS comes with nvidia driver preinstalled! On Linux mint you can install the nvidia driver pretty easly but not as easly with them being preinstalled for you.
There is no need anymore they have already made one before mine
For discord it will be better to install both official and webcord, in fact I use both, on the official client you have Krisp noise reduction and you don't risk a ban, but there are downsides to it for example the screensharing on wayland is broken and sometimes you get the annoying window "A new update is available download the .deb on our site" and you can't use discord for weeks with the official client.
Dude literally months ago smartphones with android 12 were affected by dirty pipe, that was available only for kernel versions between 5.8 and 5.10.101!
To see if the games with anticheat that you want to play are supported on linux, check areweanticheatyet.com they have a pretty huge list of anticheat status where are listed supported, unsupported and denied games.
Laugh in Europe
I have a bone to pick with Instagram. The platform only allows me to remove 100 likes at a time, and I have to do it manually, post by post. Even though I haven't used their 'remove like' feature in months, attempting to do so now results always in an error. And just to clarify, I haven't used any scripts to remove my likes; I've always done it manually, yet Instagram continues to block me.