[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

They don't say it, they don't even acknowledge it themselves, but they view this in the same way a credulous middle ages individual would view making a deal with the fey. The right set of words, the right incantation, will grant you power over them whether they want to acknowledge it or not.

That's the mental image they have. If you ask them how these secret laws are enforced and what actually obligates the judges, police, government, etc to follow the rules, they won't admit the magical thinking, though they will babble and make up nonsense that sounds, to them, like genuine explanations but is in truth gibberish.

At the end, though, that's what they're doing...they're chanting mystical incantations that will bind the Queen of the Faeries to their will and prevent the fae from doing harm upon them or impeding them.

But they don't even take the cautionary parts of the tales to heart, for even if you should succeed on pulling one over on the Faeries, they are wily and patient, and someday they will trick you into giving up the protection you thought was unbreakable. Just as even if they actually managed to stumble upon the correct legal maneuver, it is likely the system will be back to get them one way or another.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 days ago

If I had to choose between global high speed internet access, and ground based astronomy, I'd pick the Internet every time. I'd completely blot out the sky forever if that's what it took.

We don't need ground-based astronomy to learn about the universe, I'd rather encourage more space-based astronomy. Or build some observatories on the moon if you really want to build on a solid space body.

However, Starlink is a for profit company run by Elon Musk. I don't really want them doing it, because they're not going to provide unlimited global Internet to everyone. So as the guy said, the idea is good, but Starlink is bad, although it is currently the only such option.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 3 points 6 days ago

First I even heard about this game was a comic talking about it's unattractive characters. I looked it up out of curiosity to see if this was an exaggeration like it has been with some characters like Aloy, and....ehhh...mostly true.

One of the big draws of these types of games is cool character designs people want to play. This game definitely doesn't have that for me. Overwatch quickly pulled me in with cool character designs, this one...does not.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 8 points 6 days ago

That article reminded me of that politician who said women's bodies would prevent pregnancy from rape. Clearly he had so little contact with women he confused them with ducks.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 1 points 6 days ago

Roaming the earth means roaming all - or at least a very significant portion of - the earth, not some very isolated region. So I would say yes - if some tiny population of mammoths was still alive in some limited area at this time, they were not 'roaming the earth'.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 100 points 1 month ago

It's not a mistranslation that caused it, kobolds were both described and illustrated as doglike until 3rd Edition where with no explanation they simply changed it and decided they were lizard like/draconic.

I do think the new version of kobolds is an interesting creature, but truthfully they should've just come up with a new name for this new creature instead of just completely changing the kobold.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 75 points 6 months ago

Sad thing is that a lot of these sovcit type people are actually willing to stand up against crazy odds, be put in jail, and all sorts of things to stand up for what they see as right.

If only they were standing up for something real, they would be valued and brave members of the cause. It's just a shame they shackled themselves to this insanity.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 112 points 9 months ago

I find the opposite more annoying. If your memory of those events is accurate there's plenty of things to point to to back it up.

But then you have older people like my father who...I don't know, something has completely rewritten their memories of significant events to the point where he claims many things happened differently than verifiable recorded history. It's impossible to argue with that because of him seeing me pointing out that's not true as an attack and accusing him of lying.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 90 points 9 months ago

The weird thing about this to me is how someone who has watched all this crime stuff, which generally (at least the English ones I've seen) portrays the police as being competent and successful at catching criminals, doesn't come up with a far more detailed plan to not get caught.

The interesting thing is she could genuinely have done a murder to see what it's like, just as she wanted, and probably never gotten caught. If you murder someone with no motive, no connection to you, chosen at random, in a place not close to your home or place of work or any other frequently visited locations....the police have little to go on. As a fan of these shows, she would surely be aware of this. But instead she chose to do things that would basically guarantee she's caught if the police are even minimally competent.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 198 points 10 months ago

That's one of those paradoxes with human behavior around problems. If you put in effort to resolve the problem before it becomes significant, either no one notices, or they claim your effort was unnecessary because it wasn't a problem in the first place.

Y2K bugs are a great example. Lots of effort, time, and money was spent ahead of time to prevent it from becoming a problem...and you get people claiming the whole thing was just nothing to be worried about at all and the expense was pointless.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 83 points 10 months ago

Anything and everything that politicians propose to protect children, I am automatically against. It doesn't matter how good it sounds, if they say anything about protecting children, I'm opposed to it.

This is because they know that 'protect children' are magic words that let them get away with almost anything, and that's genuinely about the only time they say that anyway. Basically nothing the government does is actually to protect children.

[-] Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works 94 points 11 months ago

The 'job killers' argument is kinda bullshit. I want to kill jobs - I want to eliminate all labor that can be automated, such that in the ideal perfect future, no human ever has to work; they can spend every moment doing things they enjoy without worry.

But self checkout is not automation. No human work has been eliminated. It is the same exact fucking checkout process, only now the customer does it instead, and the store doesn't pay the cashier. And no they don't pass that savings on to you because of course they don't, they just pocket the difference.

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