I have no interest in entertaining your false dichotomy.
I didn't choose this username for no reason
You have power! You are responsible! You need to use that power. You need to make active choices in the world.
They sent a message saying "Both of these choices suck by exactly the same amount. I have no preference".
How can you win a war, when you lack the strength to grit your teeth and choose the lesser evil? Will you stamp your fists on the ground and demand no evil, while the greater evil slaughters your people? How many lives of your tribesmen will you give in order to send your message to the Democrats?
Allow our enemies to purge the weak from amongst our leaders. The strong will survive, and the tribe will grow stronger.
Maybe using a communist OS will radicalise them to the left
Now that he's on a communist OS, maybe he'll adopt some other communist/anarchist views
Like not saying the N word
Figure it out yourself.