They can wear the hijab if they go to private schools and universities. If they want to go to public educational institutions, they have to comply. Germany was very liberal to people who are actively practising one religion. Then they began to make problems in many ways. For example, there was a room for religious people to pray in the university. The result was that the people fighted each other because they had different religions. The women were isolated from the men. Now there is not a room anymore. This was one of the more harmless problems.
You really need to learn how to debate. You made yourself ridiculous with those two comments, trying to accuse Germans and Germany of genocide against Muslims and changing the subject completely.
Cringe bro. Germany is a secular country. There is no room for relgion in authorities and public owned institutions. Article 4 GG says that all people have the freedom of practising their religion in private. If you work for an authority you have to be neutral because you represent the federal state and the federal government.
I hope Germany will do the same. In the western world there is no room for religion in authorities and public owned institutions.
I think it is not that hard for you if you are a Canadian citizen. The language is the real problem.
Orban has to vote for Canada. Why? His regime will be over in 14 days if he does not get the EU money. Orban's biggest rival is in first place according to the latest polls. If he wants to be re-elected, he cannot sabotage EU policy.
Orban has to vote for Canada. Why? His regime will be over in 14 days if he does not get the EU money. Orban's biggest rival is in first place according to the latest polls. If he wants to be re-elected, he cannot sabotage EU policy.
Earthed Union the EU.
The difference is that Göring, Goebbels and Hitler cared about Germany. Krasnov only cares about Russia.
In the EU, everything is negotiable except the free trade and free movement
That is not right. Every country must transpose all EU directives into national law. If they fail to do so, they have to pay fines.
The delayed implementation of the EU directive on the protection of whistleblowers into national law is costing Germany dearly. On Thursday, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ordered Germany to pay a fine of 34 million euros to the EU for breaching its obligations. The Luxembourg judges justified the move with the importance of the high level of protection required by the directive for whistleblowers who report breaches of EU law.
With its ruling in case C-149/23, the ECJ is complying with a complaint filed by the EU Commission in February 2023. The member states were actually obliged to take the necessary measures to legally comply with the provisions of the directive by the end of 2021. The German government was unable to notify the Commission of implementation because the black-red coalition initially failed to agree on a common line. At the time, the SPD wanted the law to also apply to infringements of German law. This was not just in areas such as financial services and tenders, product and food safety, data protection, the environment and health, which are regulated throughout the EU. CDU and CSU were against it.
Christian is only the name. The church criticises them on a regular basis. The CDU/CSU are just the conservatives of Germany.