How do you feel about the sexualisation of the word "daddy"?
How much longer does ETH have to turn this around?
I have a friend like you whom I love to send into the chasm that is his own mind. The physicist has the attitude needed to deal with these thoughts - does it even matter? Ultimately, until we know our existence is false, we might as well keep on appreciating what we experience, right?
This is identical for online brokers in the stock market. They win based on the number of trades, thus they make as much money in bust as in boom years with people exiting positions.
I would add that to use these stores it is HELPFUL (not mandatory) to understand what they are presenting.
F-Droid is a store for open source software, normally maintained (or not) by teams of passionate people or volunteers.
Aurora store is a mask over the Google play store, which can use an anonymous account to download files from the Google play store. The Aurora store may not be ideal of you are working with paid apps, but it is worth reading up before you blindly jump in here.
There is also the ! or ! groups which can help if you want to de-google.
This Reuters article provides a decent summary:
The full, current list is: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates
Adding Turkey and Hungary would lead to: SHITBRICEEU, which I find amusing :)
Oxygen is OnePlus' proprietary OS.
Agreed. Plus the chance to make Harry Kane go home unhappy is one any of us would take up!
Skyrim. I've probably topped 1000hours over different platforms since release
This usually works for me too