[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The main union for its plants there has a seat on the company’s board.

Which is basically mandatory in Germany as a company's works council has co-determination rights by law and usually votes some of their own to join the board (union membership not required but often the default).

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

We have long reached the point where everyday is "joke about the Ministry of Transport and Digitalisation"-day, as the idiot in charge has still not understood his job description and is just running a Ministry of Cars instead (including persistent and completely moronic narratives of how efuels will solve everything) while single-handedly failing CO2 reduction goals for the whole country.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

No, they didn't hire Hamas. They actually created them like they exist today.

By not doing anything after the Oslo agreements and just sitting their happily that they could de facto occopy the area while someone else (the internation community) pays until Hamas got a majority in 2006.

By even then not supporting the peaceful side against Hamas but sitting their gloating as Palestinians killed Palestinians.

By indirectly supporting Hamas to use them as an excuse showing that the National Authority isn't speaking for Palestinians and so there is no need to work with them in any way.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Etwas 50000... die Zahl ist seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt releativ konstant, weil die Leute halt auch tatsächlich ausreisen, nur vielleicht nicht zu exakt dem Zeitpunkt, wo sie sollten.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ok, Leseverständnis ist also nicht so deins. Also nochmal in kurzen Sätzen:

Nein, ich werfe dir (und deutschen Medien) vor, aus jeder Kritik an Israel eine Verharmlosung der Hamas und Antisemitismus zu konstruieren.

Die Hamas sind verfickte Terroristen. Sie wären verfickte Terroisten, wenn Israel das Paradies der Humanität wäre. Sie sind immer noch verfickte Terroristen, während Israel Kriegsverbrechen gegen die palästinensische Zivilbevölkerung begeht. Weil nichts die Terrorakte rechtfertigt. Genauso rechtfertigt ein Terrorakt auch keine Verbrechen an der palästinensischen Zivilbevölkerung oder zum x-ten Mal das "versehetnliche" Erschießen von Journalisten.

Auch wenn die selben Regierungsmenschen, die noch vor wenigen Tagen völlig überrascht von dem Angriff waren, jetzt plötzlich exakt wissen, in welchem Keller sich wie viele Hamasmitglieder verstecken, und deshalb ganz, ganz sicher nur die Richtigen treffen und keine Zivilisten, wenn sie sogar Krankenhäuser bombadieren oder Brandmunition über dicht bewohntem Gebiet verteilen, braucht man nciht viel eigenes Denkvermögen, um das anzuzweifeln.

Und keine der Aussagen hat irgendwas mit Antisemitismus zu tun. Sonst wären nämlich plötzlich jede Menge Juden und Israelis Antisemiten. Die sagen dir nämlich auch offen, was sie von dem Bullshit der israelischen Regierung halten.

Nur in Deutschland ist das nicht erlaubt. Da ist jede vollkommen berechtigte Kritik and Israels Regierung (die jetzt wahrlich schon lange faschistioide Züge angenommen hat) begründeten irgendeinem fiktiven Judenhass und ein Versuch Hamas Terrorismus zu rechtfertigen.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The production also increased much more than in the whole US. Basically Europe's goal was at least a million shells until the end of the year. And even when they might fall a bit short on that goal, the US -by it's own account- is still in the we can probably produce 20k per month from 2024 and onward stage of ramping up production.

the German Leopard 1 tanks currently in Ukraine are partially the second line of defense for the Bundeswehr

Yeah, that's bullshit. They had to find people (most of them many decades past their jobs in military) to even do the training because Leopard-1s were simply not a thing for a long time. The ones they are sending to Ukraine are refurbished trash sitting in some yard for decades, mostly out of Germany even.

The only still existing Leopard-1s in operation are found in Greece. Then there are engineering vehicles because they were still sufficient for their job. And when they weren't anymore (because tanks they would need to tow got too heavy) that's when Wisent1 were invented. Which is a commercially developed upgrade for Leopard-1-based engineering vehicles to improve their power to a level where they can handle modern Leopard-2s again. And before the Ukraine war there was only a single buyer: the danish army.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That was a wild ride from usual narratives of atrophied European military production to "oh, and btw... the upscaled US production couldn't produce enough shells over the whole next year to plug just the gap left between production and their goals.

But hey, the first part is in the headline and barely anyone reads to the bottom of an article anyway, right?

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

If that's the case, then we should also keep in mind that they are in fact not "based af" but just acting like it out of their own oppotunistic reasons.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Think about any part of your body... say your arm. Now imagine scaling it up to double the size.

Your muscles are now double the length but also have to move a doubled distance. That changes nothing.

That same muscle (it's roughly a tube) has doubled it's diameter, so it 2² = 4 times as strong because it's cross-section is a circle and the surface of a circle is (d/2)² * pi.

But your whole arm has doubled it's size in all 3 directions. So it's volume/mass is now 2³= 8 times as high.

So in short: double your size and you are 2² = 4 times as strong, but you also have to move 2³ = 8 times the mass. That's the square/cube thing that makes just scaling up impossible.

PS: Yes, if you ever wondered how you were so incredible good at climbing things when you were a child... small children are much stronger than you compared to their own body weight.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Let's start at the beginning.

Germany is going for a complete coal phase-out by 2030. For this the new government (in office since Dec 2021) renegotiated the already contracted and approved increase of the area coal is digged for, so the last one happened earlier this year. But you have probably heard the story about the viallage of Lützerath "being demolished because stupid Germany started to increase coal digging again" in the media. That's desinformation because in reality they stopped coal digging there, btw saving half a dozen equally small villages scheduled for destruction more than a decade ago already.

Germany has also shut down it's remaining nuclear reactors that combined -up to their shutdown- produced the miniscule share of ~2% of electricity. In the same time they build up wind- and solarpower. In fact Germany's complete nuclear power (and even at it's peak it was not that much but only looks bigger because electricity demand in the early 1990s was much lower) was replaced with much more capacities in renewable power, so much indeed that they also decreased coal by nearly the same capacity at the same time. Yet, you have probably read dozens of times how "insane Germans think coal is clean energy and shut down all their nuclear to burn more of it".

Wind turbines run about a decade before gear boxes, blades etc. need to be replaced. The whole thing (with replacements) can probably run 25-30 years, but this is rarely done because the improvements in tech make it more worthwhile to completely replace them with more efficient (and nowadays often bigger) models. With that in mind a company build wind turbines next to the digging site knowing that they will need to disassemble them a decade later again (side note: those particular wind mills were also quite problematic and the company went out of business a few years ago), which is shown in the picture. Again, framing this as dismantling wind for more coal power as negotiated by the German Green party is blatant desinformation.

Long story, short. Lobbyists pay good money to push story of insane Greens destroying the country and nature, too. Lobbyists pay good money to push the story of how it's all hopeless to try to get rid of coal as big industry countries like Germany are increasing coal instead. And people love to hate on Germany and eat up that bullshit so for publications it's a double win as this kind of crap also generated clicks like crazy.

For reference: The actual picture...

PS: And you can also see how the propaganda is working as right here in this thread there's lots of "they are lying about renewables and just plan to continue burning coal forever" and at this point in time I'm not even sure anymore if it's just the usual paid trolls or the brain-washing really is that successful.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Can you maybe add some actual legal details here? Because as far as I know cannabis is indeed illegal on the federal level in the US, too. Which is the whole point they try to change here.

Just like in a lot of US states, several EU countries have legalized it to the point where it's legal or at least decriminalized on the consumer level. But that doesn't do shit if production and sale aren't legal on a bigger level as it either breeds a criminal network in the background doing the logistics or just scattered local and private production often also cut of from the financial system completely as on that federal level cannabis is still illegal.

So the actual point here is legalization on der German federal level and also comply again with the bigger EU legal frameworks. To get rid of the black market and to get cannabis production and sale regularly taxed and controlled.

The difficulty is not some imaginary conservativism in Europe or Germany or misconceptions about the dangers of cannabis. It's simply not doable without bending and working around a lot of existing laws and regulations including even the UN's Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

For the same reason you might have some states where cannabis is legal for a decade and more that half of all states having it legalized in the meantime by now. But you are also still far away from actual legalization in your whole country and on the federal level as the US has also bound themselves to decades old UN and other agreements that categorically prohibit legalization.

That's also the whole reason it took that new government full two years for the first (and very restricted) draft of a law. Not only are single conservative German states fighting tooth and nail against a German-wide legalization, but their plan were also constantly shut down by the EU as incompatible with EU law.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

"We don’t see any American dream; we’ve experienced only the American nightmare."

--Malcolm X, 1964

So no, it's not the American Dream that changed recently but your perception. The American Dream has been a fairy tale to keep the masses in line with some vague promise of success if they only work hard enough for a very long time if not forever.

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