Dealerships are the biggest scalpers.
Woah look at captain stamina over here.
I don’t wanna sound like an idiot, but I have to say it. It’s “sped” not “speeded” right? If so 0/10 Reuters. If not 0/10 me
Controlling by someone else’s body and personal choices is what Jesus would do, right?
“Activist”. What idiot wrote this? If they were brown it would say terrorist.
This redneck fuck was a terrorist. Good riddance.
What does the pot have to do with someone being a hateful idiot? I’m not sure what the headline is trying to tell me
What nonsense pitchforking is this? It’s not “blaming” if it’s true. It’s right in the article that instagram pushed an updated version to try and resolve.
Well yes that’s how time works. Before something happens, the thing hasn’t yet changed..
BEEP BOOP. Omega-TLDR bot activated.
Two trash humans were asked nicely to not do it again, and did it again. don’t worry though the prison cells they should have been locked away in are filled with minor drug charges by minorities or something else equally stupid.
I’m not even supposed to be here today.
As a software engineer I feel for the person who accidentally sent the wrong value and caused an icon to be offline, potentially forever.
Into a different environment, right?