The last time I looked at performance and energy benchmarks Firefox was winning.
Is it better for people ignoring environmental issues to be comfortable or mildly annoyed, assuming they aren't taking action either way?
YouTube shorts recommendations suck.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
No way them resigning would have gotten this level of publicity, but you know that.
You just want to prevent people from doing things that annoy you by pretending they are ineffective.
Observe your coworkers carefully and see how many really work 7 hours per day.
People just... go to watch executions?
Don't look at the list when anxious ;)
What I mean is I set up text to speech to read items scheduled on my todo list.
So if stuck on couch, I hear the todo read out loud.
This is 95% effective medicated, 10-60% unmedicated.
The other thing I found is the overwhelm comes from so many things.
Experiment with only letting 1, 3, 5 etc items be visible at a time. I sometimes go as far as saying top 3 are must do, 12 or however many remaining are optional.
Also also play your favorite video game sound like Mario coin when a todo is completed.
etar maybe?
Isn't package.json for controlling what dependency versions people install with?
I think I'm missing something.
I don't know about flatpak. I have a high tolerance for annoyance but configuring flatpak permissions right was annoying.
If your admins change the default away from Authenticator only they see bright red "MS 365 insecure" banners.
So... Its a dark pattern that technically allows other options.
Doesn't opera gx have horrible privacy issues?