[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 25 points 2 months ago

Also: wtf are you watching?

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 26 points 4 months ago

I ... uhh ... (what did they say?) Yeah, quitting Starbucks sounds like a good idea!

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 30 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Nun ja, Zug teilen und Zug explodieren (also im Sinne von auseinandernehmen) könnten schon nah aneinander liegen. Freilich wird da viel Interpretationsspielraum sein und es ließe sich vlt. mit zweimal nachdenken lösen. EDIT: Die Überchrift hätte man vlt. etas anders formulieren können - es handelt sich zumindest nach meiner Auffassung eher um einen Übersetzungsfehler oder ein Missverständnis, als ein Fehler auf Seiten des Fahrgastes.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 26 points 4 months ago

This is being paraded up and down through German newspapers right now ... I don't know, it feels like a non-issue that is being give way more drama than it deserves. They did extend the operation of the power plants in the end. All went well and we probably could have done it without. What else do these people want?

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 18 points 6 months ago

Mein Bruder in Christus, willst du einen Krieg auslösen?

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 134 points 6 months ago

That is not new though? I am fairly certain I bought both sizes at various places all over Europe. I guess the 440 is meant for the british market while the 500 is intended for civilised countries.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 35 points 6 months ago

I very much dislike the current trend, but this one ... this one really got me.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 29 points 6 months ago

You can legally grow it.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 19 points 7 months ago

Guter Punkt, dabei geht es glaube ich aber eher um die Abhandlung nachdem der ganze Bums fertig ist, weil e.g. ein Putschversuch zugunsten einer rechtsstaatlichen Demokratie auf Basis des Grundgesetzes gegen ein Regime Erfolg hatte. Die Putschisten berufen sich dann auf das GG, die Übergangsregierung/die Besatzungsmacht/die neue Regierung kann dann sagen "ja passt so, Sachbeschädigung/Totschlag gilt nicht weil Art. 20". Oder wenn jemand einen Gunpowder-Plot vorbereitet und Polizei und Justiz aufgrund von Extremwetter oder dergleichen außer Gefecht sind.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 20 points 9 months ago

Look at it this way: When a diesel sub is endangered, they can turn off everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Quiet as a mouse that doesn't exist. However, it will have to resurface eventually. A nuclear sub cannot do that. The cooling pumps have to keep running. But they can stay under water pretty much indefinitely (until they run out of food).

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 35 points 10 months ago

It's not really an investment thing from my POV. Sure, throwing money at it will speed up research a bit, but there are a huge number of challenges that need to be overcome first, the biggest of these would probably be tissue perfusion - cells tend to die due to lack of nutrients and oxygen. Way too many issues with printing right now. Xenografts are a safer and quicker bet right now because you need to consider immunogenics anyway - if you can't make pig hearts work, you likely won't get patient-specific implants to work either. It's not quite as easy as just 3D-Printing patient stem cells.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 23 points 11 months ago

Tbf, tipping is a thing in Germany, just a lot smaller than in Freedomland

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