I've only eaten at Pizza Hut once and it was in Shanghai, in 2008. It was fine. Never had Domino's. There are excellent Italian pizzerias all over Europe, so I never feel the need to go for a chain.
Interesting picture that took me down a bit of a rabbit hole, as I was wondering why it had "Türkischer Basar" or "Turkish Bazar" as the destination. Turns out that between 1980 and 1993, there was indeed a Turkish bazar inside the Bülowstraße station in Berlin, which had been closed as a regular station due to the separation from East Berlin.
You get ten ships to fly for the free fly event.
War leider kein entspannter Sonntag für mich, musste meine Schwester mit ihrem Hund zum Nottierarzt fahren, wo er direkt eingeschläfert wurde. Danach noch ein tiefes Loch im Garten ausgehoben und ihn bei Regen und Hagel dort begraben. War natürlich traurig, aber denke für den Hund eine Erlösung. War schon eine ganze Weile blind, dement und schwerhörig mit Herz- und Schilddrüsenproblemen.
Diese Woche werde ich mich größtenteils auf die Arbeit konzentrieren und vielleicht die ein oder andere Radtour fahren. Vielleicht werde ich auch mal zum Fahrradhändler gehen und nachfragen ob er die Kontrolleinheit meines eBikes zu einem "Nyon" Display mit GPS-Navigation upgraden kann.
The witchy one! Funnily enough, when I googled it for the population number, I found that there's also a Salem in my home state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. I had never heard of that one, despite having been within like 15km of it.
I have a Rheinmetall one from around the 30s that only half-works. It spends most of its days in the attic and only gets brought out to show people once in a while. I used it as a prop for a short film once, so I guess that was my favorite use for it.
As an Android-smartphone user with an iPad, agreed. Typing and any text operations on iOS are terrible.
I fully expect it to be at the very least a janky, mediocre mess. I'm glad if I'm proven wrong, but I don't understand how after everything that happened anyone could have the confidence in the developers to buy this day one.
Spoilers: >!Most of the game is a prequel to HL2, but in the final few minutes, you get sent into the future, right to the time and place where Episode 2 ended. So it does advance the Half-Life plot forward, but only by a few minutes.!<
I have a Garmin Instinct 2S. Works really well for me, it has all the smart watch functions I need and great battery life. It's also quite rugged. The stats are a good motivation to get me out cycling more often.
Tried both but honestly haven't found much of a proper use for either.
The little Polish (formerly German) village my grandma grew up in. She never got to see it again after the war, so I want to make the pilgrimage there in remembrance of her.
The family treasure is also supposedly still buried there, but I don't think the locals would appreciate a random German digging holes in their village so I'll refrain from searching for it...