Sehe mich zwar auch als links, aber was Europapolitik angeht bin ich von den meisten linken Parteien enttäuscht. Gerade am linken Rand herrscht oft eine Euroskepsis vor, die man ähnlich auch am rechten Rand findet (womit ich sie keinesfalls als Ganzes gleichsetzen will). Damit kann ich nichts anfangen. An Volt gefällt mir, dass sie den Wert der EU erkennen und die Zusammenarbeit vertiefen wollen, mit dem langfristigen Ziel einer europäischen Föderation. Auch finde ich gut, dass sie sich für ein offenes Internet ohne Überwachung und Zensur einsetzen. Wirtschaftspolitisch bin ich mit ihnen nicht auf einer Linie, was ich aber im EU-Parlament zweitrangig finde, da die Wirtschaftspolitik immer noch deutlich stärker von der Bundesregierung beeinflusst wird als dem EU Parlament. Ich selbst habe meine Stimme nicht für Volt abgegeben, aber denke schon dass sie eine positive Kraft im EU Parlament sein können.
Some of the polls on include the smaller parties. The latest one that does is from march though, unfortunately.
Mate, this community is more left-wing than probably 90% of online communities. If that's already "fascist" to you, I can't even imagine where you'd put a place like reddit. If you apply that word to everyone you disagree with, it loses all meaning.
Unfortunately performance especially on PC looks rough. I am/was pretty excited for the game, but looks like my CPU (3700X) might just not cut it for a good gameplay experience, despite being above the recommended specs.
Heh, kinda, but it's basically just a way to save taxes. The 50€ I get on there each month are legally considered "non-cash benefits", which aren't taxed.
Droughts, hurricanes and theoretically earthquakes. Last actually disastrous earthquake was about 700 years ago though, so I dont worry about those. Last huge hurricane was in 1999. I haven't really prepared against natural disasters in particular, though I do have some food and water stockpiled.
Probably didn't harm me ultimately, as he did prescribe regular medicine when it was really needed (in addition to some sugar pills usually). Still, it might not have harmed me, but it sure didn't help me, only filling the pockets of some quack companies.
Not happening soon and when it does, we'll have better algorithms that can't be cracked by quantum computers.
"City of Dragons" by Robin Hobb. Her whole "Realm of the Elderlings" series is great, I don't know any other fantasy author who can write characters as well as she does.
Can only speak for myself but basically they're cheaper. For someone like me who doesn't print a lot and doesn't care too much about printing speed, tank printers are a good option. "Everyone should get a laser printer" was a valid argument when the only other option was ink cartridge printers with shitty DRM, but nowadays there are other good options.
Opportunity makes the thief. These people are intentionally trying to get people to commit a crime that might have never otherwise have happened, just so they can beat someone up and/or create content for their channels. That is morally wrong.