Discord is fine for chatting, voice, and iterating quickly on projects. I have no idea why people want to think it's a forum. That's ridiculous.
And it's pretty funny
How do you function in life?
Forget about defund, cops need to be disarmed.
"my kid is trans and won't talk to me because I'm a huge piece of shit, waah".
That's the reason he's doing this.
Balders Gate 3 was released awhile ago. What are you talking about?
Do you think companies release a game and then send everyone home and shut the company down lol
Lol seriously. Doesn't anyone remember why he was impeached? Come on.
All you gotta do it hang the shirts up, guys. That's it. Gravity is nature's iron.
Was Tasha a secretary?
Cuz she was great at data entry
I don't want Boeing to face charges. I want the people in charge of Boeing to.
Oh boy, if they're ignoring robots txt, then I better ...add a useless link at the bottom of every comment I make. That'll really show them!
Was it "the radical left" ?
What's that? No, it wasn't? Again? Huh