You call indebting/loan a "subscription" in US?
You call indebting/loan a "subscription" in US?
Is this a bait? Swapping parts once per few years was THE reason to choose something you can't even likely repair?
This doesn't sound true. I can no longer name 1 friend who prefers console and PS5 pro launch was pretty terrible. Hell, even I got back into PC gaming thanks to VR
I've genuinely never used amazon to shop, not even once, but only because it's always been the more expensive option compared to smaller shops. Right now seeing 5070ti tuf goes for 1400 on amazon, 1300 at my local store.
Huh. I've never heard that being the reason, especially when crypto was supposedly made outside US but the 2007 crisis was centered around US.
The original reason is in the name.