Good. Schools should not be abused for religious propagation.
Aren't the winners already decided in before anyway?
I really doubt that any winner has been chosen by real votes for years.
Naja 7,2% sind zum Glück nicht so hoch.
Darauf würde ich nicht hoffen. Unternehmen und Staat kennen nur immer höhere Preise und Steuern. Senkungen gibt es höchstens mit Shrinkflation.
Naja es wird von den bösen Linken gewarnt, die am Stromausfall Schuld sind. Sollte von Großunternehmen, das Kapitalisten gehort, nicht überraschend sein.
Dasselbe gab es schon als Arbeiter gestreikt haben und die Schule auf diese geschoben wurde.
Naja passend, dass da die Propaganda direkt von der Industrie kommt.
Südafrika hat klar politische Ziele. Aber der Völkermord existiert und sollte auch als solcher anerkannt werden. Das geht nicht nur seit dem neusten Krieg im Gazastreifen so. Es wird sein Jahrzehnten die Palestinänsische Bevölkerung vertrieben, als Bürger 2. Klasse behandelt, schikaniert und ermordet.
Kenne die Frau nicht, muss also fragen. Hatte sie Akademikereltern Oder Eltern aus der Oberschicht oder ist das wirklich komplett selbst erreicht?
Germany does not need migrant workers. The Labour shortage is a lie cooked up by corporations, the media and politicians. The real shortage is in wages and working conditions.
No of course you don't give people cyanide pills. But it natural corrections are avoided like by war or by diseases like covid, we need to do something.
A humane way would be to simply cease life prolonging treatments from a certain age onwards. Do we really need to waste resources on someone who is over 80 just to let them live one or two more years? It would make more sense to instead make their death as painless as possible. Of course that doesn't mean that we shouldn't treat them at all. A broken arm still should be treated. But maybe don't keep them alive on respirators for months of years when there's no chance of improvement.
The only way the pension system can be fixed would be to radically alter it. One of the things necessary is something you already mentioned in a way. Setting a limit on how much pensions someone can receive. But more importantly anything you pay into the pension system via taxes should be kept in the system for years or decades. Whether that money is invested for greater profits or simply left to accumulate interest. Essentially have people pay in for themselves. That way the money has decades to increase. Any excess profit can be used to increase the pensions who people who have earned too little for their own pension.
And again, immigration won't fix anything. It does not fix the demographics pyramid. It simply adds even more people that in the future themselves will have a claim to pensions. Then you will again need even more people. This would require an ever increasing population when what we really need is a decreasing population.
What about a fourth option of reducing the amount of old people?
Besides that the only feasible policy would be temporarily cutting retirement benefits. If it's permanent it would never be accepted by anyone and neither be fair.
More immigration simply delays the issue a few decades into the future.
Sind pro-europäisch und liberal.