A drop in the bucket, which is fully comprised of drops ;)

All of this is incredibly impressive. I don’t own my own place yet or have a car, but I’m hoping to buy an electric vehicle in the next couple of years and then find an apartment. I’ll be chuffed myself if I accomplish even a quarter of what you’ve just described. You say it’s worthless - it has inspired me. Years from now maybe I’ll describe my setup and inspire another, and you’ll have played a part in that.

Excellent work climate patriot 🫡🌍

Damn, Braiding Sweetgrass is on my list, now I need to add Moss as well haha. The list won't stop growing!

I read Nudge and enjoyed it, despite agreeing with many of the criticisms of it. The writing style was accessible and entertaining, so I'll probably check this out.

They even have a cool map that really helps visualise the scale of the network: https://wearetheark.org/map-of-arks/

I enjoy philosophy, thank you!

Thank you Solo 🙏

Cheers, I've added them to the list!

Imagine if we had swarms of little insect-sized robots that could sort waste working alongside specialised organisms that then eat that waste.

My partner is vegan. I am not, but since we met I've been eating a lot less meat and animal products because we like to cook for each other at home. I remember walking past a butcher a couple of years ago that had beef cuts hanging on hooks by the window and it made me feel sick - for the first time I was seeing it as flesh instead of "meat".

I'll check them out thank you

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