may I voice my opinion on the exchange? This is coming from a place of trying to help, since I really do appreciate all the work you’ve put in and are putting in, and the fediverse can really use your talents, so I hope I don’t offend you.
Can you explain to me why it isn't social hazing?
it didn’t appear that you were being ignored/hazed
Do you know how to read a SQL statement? I just can't grasp how it isn't social hazing. I've been reading SQL statements for decades, this is obviously a problematic one.
Can you offer alternate explanations of how 3 people could think that SQL statement isn't ... poor performing and gong to cause problems? And how an SQL statement without a WHERE clause took them months to discover and fix?
Extreme hazing is my best answer. I just can't accept that the SQL statements don't speak for themselves along with the server crashes. 57K users for 1300 servers is very... taking several seconds to load 10 posts....
Look at the date... May... this has been going on since May. If it isn't social hazing ... what is it? I keep asking myself that.
Ok, so let's look at recent changes that they have deployed....
One of which makes entire tree of comments disappear. Do you see developers fretting over this and fixing it? Or do you see them ignoring the May 27 PostgreSQL JOIN problem.
How did such a bug go out? Do you see Lemmy developers actually using Lemmy to test things and notice these crashes and problems? Do you look at their posting and comment history? Do they actually go login over at Beehaw and and see just how terrible the code performance is?
If it isn't hazing, what is it?
It's as if they build a product only for other people to use... and they don't notice any of the constant crashes, incredibly slow performance etc - and they act like nobody in the computer industry ever heard of Memcache or Redis to solve performance problems. If it isn't extreme hazing going on, then what is it?