[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Probably true.

But until a court actually steps up to say it, it's the Wild West out there. And as soon as this gets shot down, another executive order will get wedged back in there to keep the rigs drilling.

EDIT: Apparently the naming had nothing to do with drilling. The drilling ban was already specifically reversed in a different executive order that reversed several Biden EOs

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 2 months ago

Steam itself seemingly isn't trying to have a monopoly.

But damned if there isn't a massive, very-loud Internet contingent that desperately wants them to have that monopoly.

If your immediate trigger reaction is seething anger when someone says, "I got a good deal on a game from Epic".... maybe that's not healthy. The "Lord Gaben" meme isn't meant to be taken 100% literally.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 5 points 2 months ago

It's a pretty decent value when stacked up against RTX 4000 and RX 7000 GPUs.

But we're only a month or two from the next generation of Nvidia & AMD cards.

Those companies could even shit the bed for a second generation in a row on price-to-performance improvements, and the B580 will probably just end up being in-line with those offerings.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 5 points 5 months ago

Did they still find a way to blame their Western developers since they shed them all?

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 5 months ago

I'm surprised that they don't take even a minimal amount of effort to clean those things up before selling it. A little dab of isopropryl alcohol does wonders.

That cartridge looks like it spent the last 20 years in a butt.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

That was an option on console for most of the generation so far: Performance Mode vs. Quality Mode. But that's mostly because nearly every game released so far has been a hastily ported last-gen title. It feels like this gen has really just barely started.

Single-player console games being 30fps is not new by any stretch. That's basically what consoles do. And they've managed pretty well with it so far. If you want to spend 2-3x more on a beefy PC, you can get all the frames you want. More power to you.

20 years ago... Skyrim, Fallout, The Last of Us 1, GTA4-5 on PS3/360 gen. 30fps.

10 years ago... God of War, Gears of War single-player, Fallout 4, The Last of Us 2 on PS4/XBoxOne gen. Also 30fps.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 6 months ago

Luckily, this is about as much of a FPS as Skyrim.

Skyrim, too, was 30fps when it first released on PS3/360 back in 2011. None of this is new.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 5 points 6 months ago

Both can be true.

I mean.. 30fps has been the single-player console experience for as long as I can remember. (Except for the PS4/XboxOne-native games -- seemingly this entire generation -- which get 60fps on current gen.)

Yes, PC can do 60fps+ if your rig is beefy enough. Yay.

Console wars bullshit is insufferable. Even when PC is one of the consoles.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 6 months ago

Your -arrs see the torrent download folder as /mnt/arr-stack/torrents/completed, and qBittorrent sees it as /downloads.

Maybe this is only a problem with Transmission, but I've had trouble making my Arr stack play nice with torrents when the different apps think downloads live in different folders.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 6 months ago

Your ISP with a 1.2TB data cap: "lol."

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

In a sense. They're also fancy-pants enterprise drives rated to be able to last over a million hours.

Drive failures follow the old "bathtub curve". You get the lemons that fail when they're brand new -- that's one side of the curve. Then for several years, they fail at a consistently low rate. Then once they start getting really old, the failure rate goes up -- giving you the other side of the curve.

True, these are probably closer to the "old age" side of the bathtub curve. But GHD is pretty good about honoring their warranty. Back stuff up and you should be fine.

[-] RxBrad@infosec.pub 4 points 6 months ago

"It's only the 10th most played game on Steam. DeAD gAMe!!"

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