[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

instead of just shrugging when their treat access was limited a tiny bit like 99% of them, went into the huge tantrum and actually left

So, all the wonderful folks from subs like "coontown," "jailbait," "incels," "beatingwomen," "watchpeopledie," "gendercritical," and "The_Donald" then?

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

The afterlife will be posting.

I'll take hell instead, please horror

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

arthur-punch AmeriKKKa can't collapse fast enough

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

It's not problematic to have triggers, but yes, this is over-sensitivity and not anything like what you're thinking. And this is a very common shoujo (anime/manga "for girls") style.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago

Who's going to build it? Lmao... I suppose if the Viets are just pulling one on France though, good on them (and if they actually build the rail while doing so, all the better)

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

Could this group be getting funding/training from western intel, maybe through a proxy?

That was my assumption from the start, tbh (and that would fit the claims of the affected nations). Ukraine is also involved supporting these terrorists, while Russia is aiding the Sahel states.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

I'd argue that the power dynamic is the other way, but the more important fact is that "Manifest Destiny" and all the other genocidal tendencies of the west cannot be untangled.

Zionism is the expression of "Manifest Destiny" (and "Rule Britannia" and other European imperialism) in west Asia; it is part of their larger system of global imperialism, genocide, and destabilization. The US and the collective west does not have "some interest" in keeping the region destabilized- it has its entire interest there (while also having its interest simultaneously elsewhere), because it is pursuing global domination and hegemony, a hegemony that will only ever be secure if they were to genocide off or enslave and cull much of the entire rest of the planet. The US (and the collective west, all of which also is banking on the Eurocentric/Atlanticist system of genocide and imperialism remaining) cannot hope to maintain global hegemony if west Asia- the crossroads between Africa and east and west Eurasia- falls out of its grasp. They also cannot hope to maintain global hegemony if the Pacific does, or Latin America does, or the natural resources of Africa does, etc- or if large nations like China, Russia, India, and the rest of BRICS are allowed to develop such that their peoples have the same means, the same dignity and opportunities as the west- well, you get the gist. They require dominance (and that dominance can only be secured through mass destruction/genocide) and destabilization across the entire globe, or their free ride off the rest of humanity's backs is over.

American Manifest Destiny may have had its differences with Zionism in the early days- and it had its differences with Nazi Lebensraum, and Rule Britannia, Francafrique, and the Spanish/Portuguese empires and their worldview of the "treaty of Tordesillas" dividing the world between the respective nations- but eventually, they all coalesced together (with the US championing and marshalling the western nations in trying to maintain their dominance over the majority of humanity).

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago

I really don't get how this continues to happen. like I was an adult in 2006 and "let's go to the party in blackface" was not a thing people were doing.

The nepo babies and other elites in their ivory towers are terrible people, it's not really surprising. They can't fix the symptom without fixing the problem (ie getting rid of themselves and their racist, murderous, hideous system) lol

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 12 points 1 week ago

I love not being an AmeriKKKan bridget-smug ~~*sadly Klanadian ie. no better~~

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You're mixing up "capitalism" and "production/industrialization." The two are not one and the same.

China and India are recapitalizing to good effect. Russia is recapitalizing

China and Russia are if anything, doing the exact opposite of what you claim; while Russia may be structurally and politically capitalist (and while China retains its market socialism, which is another spiel in and of itself) the developments ongoing in both are not the capitalization (privatization, financialization) of their economies, but rather the submission of capital to the interests of the state and the public good (in Russia's case, its national security) and towards actual production.

What part of China's cracking down on corruption and speculation (engaging in the controlled demolition of its real estate markets for instance) and engaging in even further state-led development sounds like "capitalization" to you? What part of Russia's own return to 5-year plans, of its reindustrialization (of which a large part is the MIC- which by and large is state enterprise, not private), of the cracking down on the corruption and influence of the oligarchs (now that the west has so helpfully neutered them), and the return to domestic production and development rather than financial instruments and other grifts geared towards the transfer of wealth to the west sounds like "re-capitalization," or rather, "further capitalization?" (Considering that Russia still is decidedly capitalist).

Meanwhile, the UK is just six banks in a trench coat and their economy is disintegrating underneath them.

Because the real "economy," or rather everything people associate with and can tangibly interact with, was never truly capital (though capital certainly has considerable correlation, as a system built over it). The British economy is disintegrating because the "capital" you seem to assume Britain is lacking in, is actually present in overabundance (and was developed relative to the size and influence of the former empire and what plunder it could obtain). Britain is literally choking on, and drowning in its capital (inflation), while it's bourgeoisie, to preserve the value of their capital (which has no inherent value in its own right), bleed the British society and true economy further and further dry, through their endless pursuits of their bottom lines, through their rentier behavior (landlordism, monopolistic behaviors/oligopolies, and through extracting what could be described as "rent" from the state in the forms of corporate welfare- particularly the MIC- regulatory capture and the maintaining of captive markets, and copious tax breaks). And of course, they also preserve their value of their capital, by taking it out of the sinking ship- by moving it into actual tangible assets, exchanging it for the currencies/capital of nations whose economies are not going into freefall, and which are not ridiculously overpriced (capitalized) bubbles ripe to burst.

Saudi Arabia is trying to build out capital in excess of its oil drilling and desalination systems

Saudi Arabia is another nation absolutely swimming in capital accumulated from its oil revenues; they have no need of ""building"" capital, they have no lack of it. What the Saudis are trying to do, is convert said capital into tangible assets and production- ie. actual value (of which capital is just an approximation and floating measurement of). They built what capital they have, off of such (natural) assets (obviously, oil), and are trying to prepare themselves for the transition past it, as well as develop actual productive forces outside of oil extraction (as that is the actual wealth of the nation- not capital, which is a fickle, unstable, and abstract measure of value).

I could go on further, but basically- capital =/= production. And Americans work, sure (a immense amount of it "bullshit jobs," as from the sounds of it you're aware). But the expansion of US capital and imperialism across the globe, the network of American "capitalization," if you will- has literally priced the American working class out of existence (they still exist obviously- but it's a miserable and withering thing).

The USD is kept artificially overvalued, allowing the US (particularly it's corporations, but also the citizenry that have increasingly moved to "bullshit" largely unproductive jobs) inordinate purchasing power, something the US state and corporations abuse the utter hell out of brrrrrrrrrrrr .

US labor, being paid in the USD, is artificially overvalued- which is to say, it is prohibitively expensive and uncompetitive, and what manufacturing, agriculture, etc. exists is generally heavily subsidized so as to keep the gears of empire turning. Goods and services within the US are artificially overvalued (overpriced) due to the "capitalization" of the economy as well- everything in the US is "capitalized" to hell and back (and it is no more productive for it, oftentimes less). Tuition, healthcare, housing, food, consumer goods, etc... there are layers upon layers of "capitalization" in the US, of course not least of all through the "capitalization" of immense consumer and state debt (line goes up). None of this is "competitive" or "appropriately valued-" rather the opposite- and thus even marshalling the productive forces of the nation and moving past all the "capitalization" is a cartoonishly expensive and arduous hurdle.

I could go on further, but I'd simply recommend looking up the talks on economics on YT (or their writings, etc) by professors Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff, as well as the Geopolitical Economy Report among others for more information to set you on the right path.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 10 points 2 weeks ago

I must admit, I don't think anything of value was lost. And I hate liberals infinitely more than I hate even outright fascists (as someone who used to be a lib, thankfully not for long- libs are basically fascists but somehow more dishonest/smug/unprincipled), so it warms the cockles of my heart to see people upset about the rebranding, as well.

As for the Mars colonization... yeah, fuck that shit. But the idea of ghouls leaving Earth only to then find the rest of humanity doesn't want them back and will leave them to die in space has great appeal to me. And if the billionaire class thinks they can destroy the planet and flee into space, they've got another thing coming- hopefully humanity can at least get its shit together collectively to strike down any of those who try before they escape orbit.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 2 weeks ago

TIL of ancaptain .

what is even the fucking difference between fascists and libertarians?

First as a tragedy, then as a farce (for all the libs, libertarians included, that have come since). They've been kicking a dead horse for almost a century now tbh, though I suppose there's a sort of (deeply tired and terrible) humor to it, as they can always discover new pathetic lows for humanity.

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