Versuche auch aktuell einen Therapeuthen zu finden und mir ne ADHS Diagnose vom Psychater zu holen. Wusste nicht wie schlimm die Situation wirklich ist und jetzt gehts mir noch solala. Wie muss ich mir denn vorkommen, wenn ich manisch depressiv bin.
Hat jemand eiue Quelle für die Aussage, wir haben noch 20-30 Ernten übrig? Finde dazu nichts
Damn, thats funny. XD
No it's not! Fighting climate change can be addressed as legitimate issue to fix from both sides of the political spectrum. Talking about the gaza conflict and picking an arbitrary side, does nothing except, drive potential fff supporters away. People will hate Greta and everything she stands for even more. Only for virtue signaling points on social media.
To much iron in my nuggies, ouhhh wozzies.
That sucks man. In Germany the basic food quality is fine and food staples are quite cheap here. I mean, ... the current profiteers which steer society into collapse have names.
Space Preussen....?! Grad den Wikipedia Artikel gelesen. Abgefahrener Plot.
Watches Luke smith. Based.
Based. Gonna buy a piece of land next month. And make my own shed and garden.
Smartphones and Internet usage. We know it, but no one cares.
But building new cities is expensive and takes a long time. You can reduce tourism faster.