I do like the idea of a Pacific Cuba. However, I legitimately worry about logistics. If Hawai'i were to succeed, the CIA would be all over that shit.

Also, pardon me for being stupid but what exactly is bad about tourism? Is it that a lot of tourists are inconsiderate, or is tourism itself the issue?

Kinda funny how we're the ones with the ideology that actually challenges the state and we just....don't commit crimes.

We never see any of us going into, say, Harrison Arkansas and attacking people. Yet we're the ones routinely demonized on the more popular, democratized media. We're always the bad guys and these shooters are always painted as the good guys, if not the REAL victims.

[-] ScotPilgrimVsTheLibs@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Confession time? Confession time:

I used to be someone like her. I'm from a small town in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest but I claimed to be from Chicago (closest major city people give a damn about) only went there once every few years. Basically the stolen valor is about trying to feel like you're from an important place and to make one seem less "normal".

Eventually I grew up when I realized no one really cared either way. Where I grew up does not make me interesting, and there's a ton of racist people in the "cool" places in California and New York. Conversely, one really cool guy I met in college came from deep red Texas. Accent and everything. He understood where I was coming from but he helped a lot in getting me to just own it. Yeah, I say "ope" and call soda "pop", that doesn't make me a "dirty racist normie"

Yeah, my childhood was kinda boring. But that can't be helped.

What really bugs me is that they brag about their open-mindedness, but call anyone they deem a "dirty redneck" who moves in a gentrifier and thus not welcome in the city as if a good chunk of people living in Brooklyn at any given moment aren't "small town rednecks" themselves.

Not that they themselves are the problem, it's landlords, real estate "investors", and the "muh property values" types.


joined 2 years ago