It depends on what variant you get. Older strains could become symptomatic up to a week later, newer strains as little as 1-2 days. It's nearly impossible for the average person to know what strain they have and the older ones are still floating around.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

At my last interview, I was already making 10k more than their ceiling. I just said "my current salary is x, I'm not looking for a pay raise but could you match it?". They did! I think it was a one two punch of showing off my worth with having a high salary but also being humble by not asking for more. It also helps to approach it as a matter of fact yes or no question and not as a negotiation.

I tried reading Mort, but it's very... dense. While I do enjoy the occasional book with flowery, descriptive language, I got a quarter of the way through it and no real plot happened.

Romantic killer was a lot of fun, but isn't that about high school?

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

To be fair, my car has one specific circuit board that can only be fixed by a dealership mechanic. Found out about that one after it malfunctioned on the highway, my car turned off, and I couldn't use the breaks while coasting at 65 mph. I called half a dozen mechanics before one told me that it was a dealership issue because it required special equipment to code the circuit board. Wish my car told me that so I wouldn't have wasted all that time.

Don't forget about imodium - you can take up to 4 a day (if needed) long term. And finding good substitutes is better than outright depriving yourself of the things you enjoy.

Stardew Valley mobile is the full game, and even allows for mods! I actually liked the controls better on my tablet than PC.

Whoops, yeah I fat fingered it. These days I'm too used to autocorrect catching my mistakes!

See if your area has staffing agencies. They're totally free, you can sign up for as many as you want, and the recruiter does all the legwork for you. Most offer permanent positions and health insurance.

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