Würde dir zustimmen, ich glaube der plot hätte mit 2-3 charakteren weniger um einiges besser funktioniert. Abgesehen davon fand ichs ziemlich störend, dass wirklich jede szene bedeutungsschwanger musikalisch untermalt wurde. Das hilft nicht grade beim einordnen der szenen
The bong of destiny
Right. And a single ship in a single game of questionable status isnt gonna give you nearly the entertainment value that the 7-40 games you could buy for the same money are gonna give you.
Look, if you are happy with your purchase, thats cool. But to us this looks like a f-ton of wasted money.
Its a joke. The point is that women are often being told that they are too emotional (as opposed to the very logical men), even though men are often the ones with violent outbursts.
HONHONHON arrogantly carries baguette into tobacco store
bougie urbanite jews
Ok... i think i can see where the wind is blowing from. But just to entertain myself: where did you happen to stumble on their religious backgrounds?
As of recently, it doesnt even let you open cmd during setup. Found that out when setting up a win11 laptop for a colleague a couple weeks ago
Reminds of that interview with US drone-operators. "Cutting the grass before it grows tall", "fun-sized terrorists". Pure evil
I recently found an old installation of lego star wars the complete saga on my pc. Still pretty fun
Karl Jobst being a real one. And SOG too