[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 1 month ago

Do you think the mainstream media is truly surprised at people's reactions or is it simply acting surprised to behave in line with a dog and pony show about how the UHC CEO was the real working class hero and The Adjuster was evil and/or a lunatic that we should all despise?

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I recall taking a date to the lab I was working in as a grad student and realizing after we got there that none of it is terribly impressive if you don't know what any of it does. She was unimpressed despite my excitement about all of it.

I later married a different woman who actually was excited about our lab things despite not being a scientist and having no idea what our many beige boxes do.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 3 months ago

Hi, I'm disabled although I'm still working (at the moment, may break further). I agree with you.

The biggest issue to consider for any company hiring a significantly disabled person, whether mentally, physically, or both, is they'll be less productive and may require much more oversight, meaning they contribute less to the company. This is the justification behind the lower pay. It makes sense if you're a shit sack capitalist that values production above anything else.

With that being said, Goodwill is absolutely taking advantage of the disabled. They're ostensibly a non-profit charity that exists to provide employment, leading to training and work experience, to the disabled community. They pay their disabled employees the lowest amount possible, actively working to justify low pay. Imagine if your employer was constantly looking to drop your salary so you had to constantly fight them over it. Now pretend you have a significant TBI or are developmentally disabled (just imagine your mental capacity while drunk, but without the feeling good) and still having to fight that. Welcome working for Goodwill.

Fuck Goodwill right in their "charity" hole.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 25 points 3 months ago

Great so far! There are a ton of fellow tourists and it's a bit pricey, but it's beautiful and the people are very nice. Plus where else can you eat a puffin?

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 24 points 5 months ago

Because it was photoshopped from the original

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Production is pretty easy to understaff. It's not like an operator stands at the tool the entire time - much of the job is moving wafer cassettes from one tool to another and basically hitting "go", then the tool runs its process in its own. Other tasks involve restocking depleted chemicals and retrieving reticles, but the main thrust of the production job type is moving things from one place to another so the tools can do their job.

Given it's a 12.5 hour shift in a bunny suit that involves a lot of standing and walking, it's important that employees have a certain amount of downtime during their shift, just a few minutes here and there outside of breaks and lunches where they can relax. If you run too lean, staff has to constantly scurry from tool to tool and they'll quickly burn out. This is the TSMC way.

There's also a lot more to a fab than its production staff. Engineers, facilities, waste water treatment, chemical handling, IT, EHS, and various administrative roles are all very easy to understaff since many positions are salaried and TSMC loves that unpaid overtime. The results roll downhill to production staff not getting the support they need, further compounding the pressure they feel.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 24 points 6 months ago

I curl mine up like a butterfly's proboscis.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 24 points 7 months ago

I think he does help some people, primarily his rich donors and the rest of the do nothing class.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

At the very least, get a ~~trigger lock~~ cable lock or firearm safe. We don't even have kids but I could never live with myself if a relative or neighbor kid hurt themselves or someone else with one of our firearms, so we have a safe.

Edit: oops, I didn't mean a trigger lock. I meant a cable gun lock, which is more effective.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 24 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm a biologist (well, microbiologist but we learn a lot of regular macrobiology stuff as undergrads) and used to get into arguments with my dipshit former high school classmates all the time about this. There was the ever present "hunters are the best stewards of the land" bullshit as an argument to get rid of permitting, tagging, etc. Hunters are mostly terrible, especially trophy hunters. They in particular select against some of the more advantageous traits.

Even if the steward bullshit was true for most hunters (spoiler: it's not), it only takes a small percentage of them misbehaving to drive animals to extinction.

[-] SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 9 months ago

I'll save North Americans a click: they're not available here.

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