If he can deadname his daughter, we can deadname his site.
Do the side quests before the main quest as some of the side quests get locked off when you compete main quests.
Report it to the news stations as well.
Every blue state should have free abortion and pay it with federal money, that way even the red states will help pay for the mess that they have made.
The sitting president doesn't get a primary. It is a stupid tradition that needs to stop. Even a sitting president needs to be put up in a primary, yet neither side does that.
The laws about that were just thrown out the window with this ruling. Everything is an official act as long as he was president when he stated it to he done. Ordering fries from McDonald's is now an official act as well.
Cats are just as trainable as dogs, just takes longer and different incentives for them.
I'll change my review after the 30th when we were supposed to have signed up for the PSN or when they change the store page and not before.
Long live the king.
The only way voting third party works is if we get rid of "first to the pole" and instead used something like "ranked choice" voting.
This is why we need ranked choice voting. The extremists would never win if we did.
Don't count on it when Trump has already said that he'll use the military on those who are "the enemy within" which includes everyone who voted against him.