[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Considering that the idea of the singularity of AGI was the exponential function going straight up, I don't think this persons understands the problem. Lol, LMAO foomed the scorpion.

(Also that is some gross weird eugenics shit).

E: also isn't IQ a number that gets regraded every now and then with an common upper bound of 160? I know the whole post is more intended as vaguely eugenics aspirational but still.

Anyway, time to start the lucrative field of HighIQHuman safety research. What do we do if the eugenics superhumans goals don't align with humanity?

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 27 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I predict you are going to have a bad time here. And that is far before 2045.

(Edit: I hear you think, but predicting after a thing has already happened and keeps happening, that isn't really predicting now is it. And Varyk was enlightened).

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yes we could just shoot the severs, but what if the AI develops an anti-bullet shield, and then we shoot it with anti-bullet shield bullets, and then it creates an anti-bullet shield bullet bullet shield, and then, ... and then ...

Anyway, those kinds of kids reality free, imagination games of move and counter move were pretty cool when you were 8 years old.

Sorry got distracted a bit and just wanted to share, not related to the topic at hand.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 38 points 3 months ago

The link to the article here clearly says 'Whisker Squadron: Survivor' to me. But here, a steam link.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 24 points 3 months ago

The covid didn't happen at all substack (I checked their twitter) also doesn't believe any recent pandemic happened (no swineflu's ever), and it gets better the spanish flu also was a planned event, nor do they believe that anti-depressants help people, is a climategate truther etc (They are also pretty pro Israel in the current conflict but that should come as no surprise). So well done linking to that Scott.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 33 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

some weird pseudoscience justification for why it’s okay to hit your kids.

It is to me so weird how often this comes up. A big plot point in starship troopers (the book) was that due to not hitting kids (and a vague handwave at criminals but mostly kids) western democracies fell for example.

Now I wonder how the NRx with their pro corporal punishment stance (which iirc Scott liked) feel about hitting kids.

Im also annoyed at how much words are written about the Collins. Stop promoting these doofuses. (They have come up in sneerclub before) (Late edit: She said she was really unsettled by this interview on twitter Sorry to hear you stared into the abyss Jenny, and I didn't mean this as a personal attack towards you (not that you will read this but yeah))

E: a thing I was wondering about, with the pronatalist technofetishists, who say that both we will all die out by lack of births as old people starve, and who fetishize AGI and robot labour causing a post scarcity world, that seems contradictory, I wonder how the Rationalists deal with this contradiction.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 26 points 4 months ago

The average r/sneerclub post consisted of finding something seemingly absurd or offensive said by a rationalist and then mocking it. The resulting threads are obviously biased and not epistemically rigorous.

This is correct

Like, Wytham abbey was technically a manor house

Lol, 'technically it was a manor house not a castle' come on, you cannot just complain about how low effort sc is and then post something as silly as that.

Wait, was this bait? Have I been baited?

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 26 points 5 months ago

Yeah that is one of the more fucked up things about gap, them doing it all in the open and not being ashamed about it. It is scary how quickly we went from 'lol look at what these crazy neo-nazis believe in secret' a decade ago to it all being mainstreamed.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 26 points 5 months ago

'Come out against the woke agenda'

I'm reminded of the person on twitter who went 'Wonder when his sex crimes come out' after Russell Brand rebranded as a conspiracy rightwinger. Note: This tweet was made before his sex crimes came out.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 35 points 5 months ago

What if I made the line thicc?

Sickos: Yes Ha Ha YES!

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 33 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Is it my original ideas that are wrong? No I have just discovered a new degenerate race of humans.

Edit: A glorious sneer from twitter

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Soyweiser@awful.systems to c/sneerclub@awful.systems

The interview itself

Got the interview via Dr. Émile P. Torres on twitter

Somebody else sneered: 'Makings of some fantastic sitcom skits here.

"No, I can't wash the skidmarks out of my knickers, love. I'm too busy getting some incredibly high EV worrying done about the Basilisk. Can't you wash them?"


[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 27 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This is great, they think it is a 4d chess(*) move they pull on people. They think it both outs people who take offense and preselects your friend group for people you can convert into neo-nazism. And anybody who takes offense gets to look like a crazy person and leaves.

What actually happens is that people don't always react to your slurs directly but certainly talk among each other, this will close doors for you and cause people to deprioritize you as a friend. You will just get invited less and 'forgotten' by people (unless they suffer from the geek social fallacies, but geeks do talk to each other about those), you will get the reputation as the n-word guy, and people will warn others about you, like you are a broken stair. It also creates a culture of shittesting your friends and regularly testing your friends to see if they match up with your ideals or are 'good friends' is a very toxic way to instill paranoia in yourself and reduce the amount of friendships and professional opportunities you have. So I'd suggest he carries on with it, ow sorry 'his friend'.

*: it is 4d chess, in a sense that he made up his own rules, they are way more complicated than needed, don't actually add anything compared to normal 2d/3d chess, and by playing a different game than the rest of the world you are actually just making illegal moves which ensure people will not play with you anymore. Confusing a social game for an intellectual game.

E: forgot to ask, who is this dweeb again? Answered my own question: Ow wait it is Putanumonit


Some light sneerclub content in these dark times.

Eliezer complements Musk on the creation of community notes. (A project which predates the takeover of twitter by a couple of years (see the join date: https://twitter.com/CommunityNotes )).

In reaction Musk admits he never read HPMOR and he suggests a watered down Turing test involving HPMOR.

Eliezer invents HPMOR wireheads in reaction to this.

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