I really should start remembering names.
Perhaps for dull disclosure (typo but left it in), we should explain who Brent Dill is? (Wasnt he the guy who was no longer welcome at events due to abuse? Sorry correction, one of the guys we know about, we dont know about the secret list of people who are no longer welcome Scott once talked about)
Adding zizians to the list of things that sneerclub gets blamed for. After covid.
Guess they have not noticed we also have sneered at ziz, and that a lot of us are not living in america, nor the east coast of it.
Huh? This doesn’t sound unreasonable.
Yes, blueanon is the people who go write a few things, and then the first things are reasonable stuff, and then after that it goes completely crazy off the wall wild with speculation. Like they see one fact, and then they just imagine some wild fantasy world. (And because a lot of people go 'well sometimes they have a point, so we should listen to them' they get attention (ignoring that you can just not listen to them and still hear the actually true points from other less sensational (and less crazy) sources). A good example of this is Seth Abrahamson who recently wrote a thing on Musk which was just crazy (and he called himself an expert on Musk because he was watching him the past two years or so (if that makes him an expert, im a fucking musk research university))
Well, they should be shook, this is for a community that already has a somewhat high body count an splinter-off cult with a extreme body count, seems they killed as many people as they had people.
A sidenote, this kind of stuff is why I call LW Rationalism a cult(*) incubator (***), im not sure because it is due to the teachings/culture of LW Rationalism, or that it attracts the type of nerdy person who is feeling like they are missing something in their lives, and the predators that prey on people (or both).
Also I'd say some of framing around the 2019 event feels a bit dishonest, with the 'there were children' and the 'accusations of transphobia' while deadnaming them.
*: I'm using the word here in a bit of a broad term, so it includes the Zizians, the homesteader neo-nazis, the IQ-anon(**), MRAs, anti-feminists, actual cults, the robotgod is going to kill us people, PUAs, NRx (E: forgot the cryptocurrency people) etc.
**: I dislike the term TESCREAL (as a term it is too broad, unclear, unclear why they are bad, and gets used by the sort of blueanon types already, and it already is giving a negative reputation to the people using it due to that), so when I saw somebody call the TESCREAL people IQ-anon I thought it was great and im going to use that. Small bonus that this also sort of applies to the non-TESCREAL people in TESCREAL (See how dumb the word looks?) spaces who promote a lot of IQ bs, like slurinnameo on themotte/ssc. (E: I forgot to mention that obviously this isn't a perfect match to bad things of TESCREALism, not a lot of longtermers think of IQ stuff as something important etc, so it isn't a good replacement)
***: yes, like a business/tech incubator, very silicon valley.
I think they splintered before the bomb datacenters radicalization. So guess violence is more the Rational final conclusion from first principles
I have joked before how people really into stoicism tend to be quite emotional and even a risky, as stoicism always seems to be aspirational and doesnt describe the stoic fans behaviour (a good example is the yter Sargon), but this might be a bit of an extreme example.
The link to the article here clearly says 'Whisker Squadron: Survivor' to me. But here, a steam link.
some weird pseudoscience justification for why it’s okay to hit your kids.
It is to me so weird how often this comes up. A big plot point in starship troopers (the book) was that due to not hitting kids (and a vague handwave at criminals but mostly kids) western democracies fell for example.
Now I wonder how the NRx with their pro corporal punishment stance (which iirc Scott liked) feel about hitting kids.
Im also annoyed at how much words are written about the Collins. Stop promoting these doofuses. (They have come up in sneerclub before) (Late edit: She said she was really unsettled by this interview on twitter Sorry to hear you stared into the abyss Jenny, and I didn't mean this as a personal attack towards you (not that you will read this but yeah))
E: a thing I was wondering about, with the pronatalist technofetishists, who say that both we will all die out by lack of births as old people starve, and who fetishize AGI and robot labour causing a post scarcity world, that seems contradictory, I wonder how the Rationalists deal with this contradiction.
What if I made the line thicc?
Sickos: Yes Ha Ha YES!
Is it my original ideas that are wrong? No I have just discovered a new degenerate race of humans.
To be fair, I also dont believe any stories about a blackmail pedo ring ran by Yudkowsky. And with all the bad stuff going round, why make up a blackmail ring, like he is the Epstein of Rationality. (Note this is a diff thing than: people did statutory rape and it was covered up, which considering the Dill thing is a bit more believable).