[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 11 points 2 months ago

I mean, wouldn't the safest place to continue doing concerts would be Australia, where they actually have pretty stringent gun laws?

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 months ago

Biden: End the tipped minimum wage.

Tipping also disappears.

Servers: Not like this!

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 9 points 9 months ago

As a former card-carrying Conservative, I'm already deciding to vote ABC.

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 7 points 11 months ago

Anyone can get a lawyer to write a Cease and Desist for any reason the client pays for. The proof is if anything happens if Ford doesn't follow up with the demands.

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 10 points 11 months ago

2/10. I get the impression that they couldn't afford good writers, but the production heads could afford a LOT of cocaine. The end result is a Trek-ish setting around the biggest Mary Sue trope ever written against a character that they could not ever get up to 'likeable.' Watch as Star Fleet Officers constantly break the rules, run off without communicating effectively, disregard orders, or just plainly talk-back with amazing levels of snark to superiors. Somehow they are all written up as heroes instead of all being removed from duty and forced to spend years in front of councillors for their war PTSD... or time-travel PTSD... or mirror-universe PTSD..., discipline and corrective actions for their MANY examples of insubordination, their ship broken up to figure out space-mushroom instantaneous-travel in a post-dilithium universe, remedial training once cleared to return to figure out the changes in the world around them after the jump, and even then being kept on a short-leash because they obviously can't be trusted: they don't even fully trust each other and have demonstrated time and time again that they make the wrong decision because of their own ego...

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 year ago

...well, by advocating that people physically threaten those administering the vaccine, and for telling her own followers not to get vaccinated, I'm sure their death rate rose a bit.

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 year ago

You're not entirely wrong. They will fight for workers as long as they work for the companies run by their friends, like SNC Lavalin.

Don't forget NDP exists as an option.

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 33 points 1 year ago

Hes' a hypocrite of the highest order; a career politician that he ranted should not entrench themselves in our institutions in his early twenties before becoming an MP himself in his mid-twenties. He welcomed the Convey into Ottawa by handing out Coffee and Donuts. He recommends putting your money into Bitcoin, and those that followed his advice saw savings disappear when the coin crashed. He rails against the CBC being government funded while he himself, is largely government supported: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJpchk3s4hU

The joke goes that you tell a politician is lying because they are moving their lips. If you want to know the truth, just pay attention to who donates. We made fun of Scheer for being in the pocket of 'big milk' and this feckless twit is receiving donations from real estate executives while claiming he's going to reverse course on our housing crisis: https://pressprogress.ca/big-real-estate-executives-among-top-donors-to-pierre-poilievres-conservatives/

A vote for the CPC is a vote for a party lead by someone that doesn't care about the people voting for him and will make years of poor decisions.

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 year ago

Let's be clear here: PP is not a smart man.

Yes, he has a background of being adopted by an openly-gay man in a stable relationship with his partner, the both being public school teachers, and he married an immigrant, and he's a native French speaker from Saskatchewan. By all accounts, he would be an NDP darling. I don't know how he ended up in with the SOCONs that would vilify his parent's line of work and interfere with their collective bargaining rights, outlaw them getting married, outlaw them adopting the young PP in the first place, and restricting his wife from entering the country, on top of being 'French'... But now that he's with the SOCONs, he's picked up on the magical formula for success to winning the CPC leadership: campaign on the right - the far right - as right as you can go. Now he has the same problem O'Toole has: appear moderate enough to the electorate so people outside the CPC will vote for you. Problem is, the more on the right you are in the CPC, the less moderate you can appear in the General Election, and thus, perform worse. If you swing too far moderate though, you can lose your base support in the CPC... His image is so closely tied with the far, far right that he will crumble fast with his own people as he starts to stammer out any policy that isn't the most vile and deplorable garbage that the basement dwelling trolls demand, and the LPC will press him on the fact that he has no plan or any thoughts at all. Also, if he does try to communicate some of his terrible ideas, they can easily get shot through by the LPC and NDP - again, he's not a smart man and has made some very stupid statements that are easy shot apart by numbers and facts. His thoughts are designed to appeal to losers - people that are suckers for get-rich schemes and think some 'group' in Canada are the source of their woes; call them immigrants, or gays, those on pogey, or unwed mothers... or even "them-there so-called 'experts' that are telling us vaccines work."

That being said, he's going to get a boost in two areas: the continued crumbling of the PPC, and growing disdain with the LPC. This is probably already reflected in the poll numbers. It's really the LPC's election to lose, and as long as he's passing enough scraps to the NDP to stay in power and fight another day at improving image, the LPC can turn around the Trudeau image: he's working hard for the country - it affected his marriage, or at the very least: look ladies, he's single! There's no way that they can save PP's image. Milhouse with the glasses, Squinty without the glasses, are cute names but the Proud Boy love for him for all his dog-whistling, and open association and appreciation with the truckers are the giant anchor around his neck and the others get to punish him for that if he tries to avoid communicating his stupid ideas.

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 year ago

Remind them that there are exactly 0 safe CPC members now for abortion rights due to recent voting (yes, private member bills are still showing up to try and remove rights, but this time Squinty is in charge and all his members are allowed to vote 'with their conscience' now).

[-] Splitdipless@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 year ago

...it's from a odd technicality where on ol' blighty, a male can't be "raped" because of how the laws are written. Call it a peculiarity of their system or sexism, but it results in oddly sounding charges like what you see reported at least.

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