[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 71 points 1 month ago

When we were young and first married, my wife and I decided to try a church that we had saw online. The website and name made it seem like it would be alright and more modern thinking. We were wrong.

We pull up and the church building is a double wide trailer, a congregation of about 30 people. The preacher appears to be in his 70s.

He sees that he has guests and singles us out and puts us on the spot to introduce ourselves to whole congregation. He never refers to my wife by her name instead just calling her “Wife”. He prays for us multiple times during the service and bring us up during the sermon. (Still just referring to us as TORFdot0 and wife)

Speaking of the sermon, he begins the sermon talking about the gay democrat agenda and how the gays are ruining God’s institution of marriage and how it will soon be illegal to be married to a woman. This gets an audible sigh from the ladies in the front row.

He also preached to cherish our Bible before the black socialist devil in the white house takes them from us.

He compared the Bible to an old hound dog and started barking for going on two minutes. It’s like a dog because it warns us of things to come.

After what seems like an eternity of a sermon, he invites the kids up to the alter for some “Hallelujah” Candy (it’s the Sunday before Halloween). One child takes a second handful of candy and the elderly pastor chastises him and then bends him over his knee and starts spanking him in front of the congregation.

Needless to say we did not give that church a second visit.

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 77 points 5 months ago

The PS5 itself barely has a reason to exist since most games are STILL cross-gen. If I hadn't skipped the PS4 generation my PS5 would have been a huge waste of money

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 62 points 7 months ago

If you can be converted to being gay, then you were always gay. It’s like if you have to pray the gay away, you are gay my guy

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 60 points 7 months ago

The rules are in place solely to lock in free apps to the official App Store. The EU is just going to have to tell Apple to deal with it. Apple is acting like it has to verify and sign every app that runs on its platform and therefore it justifies the fees. The EU just needs to force Apple to allow unsigned apps to run and then its not a problem.

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 61 points 8 months ago

They exploded

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 61 points 9 months ago

It’s the sexualization of people without consent that’s a problem. Maybe casual nudity shouldn’t a problem but it should be up to the individual to whom they share that with. And “nudify” ai models go beyond casual, consensual nudity and into sexual objectification and harassment if used without consent.

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 64 points 10 months ago

Jirard’s Open Hands charity is a nonprofit so you can see their books through their tax filings.

The most likely explanation is that Jirard is incredibly busy running a successful YouTube channel and so he had no idea how the charity is being run.

When being made aware in 2022 he said he stepped in to make sure the money is being donated the way he believed it was. That wasn’t reflected in their 2022 tax filing but it still can be true for 2023, the public will find that out when those filings are made public.

Karl Jobst is a really good content creator but he has a bit of a dramatic flair and tends to call things “illegal” when they actually aren’t and he did in this video again. Still I think that it’s important to make call outs like this. And I think that Jirard will make it right, now that he has been made aware. It’s clear from the filings that they aren’t committing fraud or skimming off the top. They just were sitting on the money probably because the task of running a charity was beyond their capabilities

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 64 points 10 months ago

Mourning? More like dancing on its grave. With the fediverse being everything social media 1.0 was and more, there is no need for the legacy platforms. I just hope that the fediverse can get some more traction with folks outside tech circles and we can normalize cooperation and free social platforms as in free speech not as in free beer.

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 68 points 11 months ago

It’s about legal liability. The admins don’t want to have to worry about dealing with all sorts of EU and US regulation for minors so they can have an official policy that minors can’t use the site.

Nobody really cares if kids participate but it’s not the admin’s responsibility to bend over backwards for regulations to accommodate them.

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 72 points 11 months ago

I recently got “this content is unverified, please open in our app to continue” from a Google search that lead to a random Reddit thread. Nope not gonna do that. I think I found a workable solution on stack overflow after that


Afterplay is a browser based emulator platform that allows you to play retro games on iPhone or other devices without having to jailbreak.

It’s just now added offline support so that you can play your retro games offline like on a plane trip and they will sync to all your other devices when you come back online.

Join the discord community

submitted 1 year ago by TORFdot0@lemmy.world to c/ps5@lemmy.world

I really want to get the PSVR2 but there seems to be a lack of titles for it. Arizona Sunshine 2 has me interested. But I’d really like to play Skyrim VR, the last time I played that was on the original oculus headset. Other than that a pretty cool tech demo for Horizon and Gran Turismo but that’s it.

If they could backport PSVR2 to work with if Skyrim be was available on PSVR2 even just the ps4 version, it would be enough to justify the set up for me.

What other games do you really want to come to PSVR2?

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 70 points 1 year ago

I’m here and I have an ad-free, troll-free, wholesome community to engage with on mostly the same topics I followed on Reddit. I declare myself the winner


Sharing this note I made when trying to sync a shared calendar from gmail to iCloud today. The process was frustratingly complex and figured it might be good information for the rest of the community

I’ve been wanting to switch from the google calendar app to the iCloud calendar app but my wife prefers google calendar so getting her to migrate all her events and appointments from gmail to iCloud isn’t reasonable. I thought I’d just add her calendar to my calendar app but was having trouble. You can’t just add it as a subscribed calendar as the link to the calendar doesn’t work. So I thought of adding my gmail account to my iPhone and just syncing the calendars from gmail to my iPhone but her calendar still didn’t show up.

So for some reason this is not advertised by apple and the setting is obfuscated by google so after a lot of trial and error and googling, I found a result that worked.

You can use this link to get a shared calendar to appear in the list of synced calendars from gmail. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/syncselect

Calendars that you only have read permission on seem to be unchecked by default.

Thanks to this website I was able to find this information so follow this link if you need more detailed instructions. https://workspacetips.io/tips/calendar/sync-shared-google-calendars-to-your-ios-device/

[-] TORFdot0@lemmy.world 70 points 1 year ago

Why would shitposting on Lemmy, get people to switch back to Reddit, a site famous for shitposting?

Beanposting seems to be a pretty organic meme rising out of the fact that Lemmy is pretty new and people don’t really mind shitposts yet because there is such good content on Lemmy since the community hasn’t grown too large yet


Retro games and Apple devices are two of my main tech interests. A lot of people, including myself for the longest time, think that there is no way to emulate games if you use Apple devices unless you go through the frustrating process of loading AltStore/jailbreaking. However there are plenty of emulators that run via a web app that can be installed via safari. The essential iOS app thread inspired me to make this thread since these didn't really fit the criteria of an "iOS app". I'm going to list the sites and platforms that I use but please post your preferences in the comments.

Afterplay is my personal favorite. It can play SNES, GB/GBC/GBA on the free tier. NES, Genesis, and DS support is part of the premium tier ($6 a month). Whether you are on the free or paid tier, this is the only web emulator that I know of that has true save and ROM syncing between devices. Afterplay uses lib-retro cores as its backend and exposes a lot of different options that other web emulators don't. A major con of this project is that it doesn't have offline support at the moment but it has been announced as coming.

DS Player is a DS emulator that uses desmume-wasm as its emulator core. It allows you to connect to dropbox to sync saves. It features offline support but is a lot more barebones than afterplay's ds core. Its totally free however

Emulator.JS is another project like after play in that it is a web frontend for a lot of js/wasm ports of lib-retro cores. It runs a multitude of systems including N64 and PS1 and it runs them at actually playable speed. However I can only seem to get it to work with touch controls on iOS. I don't know if that is a problem with my controller (I use a razor Kishi 2) or with the emulator.js. It recognizes the controller just won't rebind the controls no matter what I do.

[Eclipse](eclipse emu.me) is a web emulator with focus on NES, SNES, and GB/GBC/GBA. It allows you to connect to google drive and manage your library via the cloud. It also has offline support and is completely free.

Mods, I'm not involved with any of these projects so I'm I'm sorry if this breaks rules on advertising.

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