[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 3 months ago

To be honest I think it is an optical thing most of the time. IE your cat was never really black but the usual lighting doesn't show the true color.

But cats that do spent a lot of time in direct sunlight may get slighter lighter brown with time.

I couldn't find any study or data on this so it may also be a cat legend :p

I know my cat is very much light brown in the sun even though she doesn't spent that much time under the sun.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 5 months ago

Est ce que les gens en ont vraiment quelque-chose à faire du programme RN quand ils votent pour eux ?

Je pense que ça vote RN par opposition avec les parties traditionnelles et que le programme pourrait être turbo pedonazis raciste que les gens voteraient quand même pour eux.

Je pensais que c'était une caricature du RN le "il faut les essayer car on a essayé les autres et c'était nul". Bah en faite non c'est vraiment l'avis de pas mal de RN.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 5 months ago

Merci pour les explications.

Ceci dit je ne vois pas tellement la nuance.

Meurice a été accusé d'une infraction qui n'en était pas une. Si le parquet n'a pas poursuivi implicitement c'est une admission qu'il n'a pas commis cette infraction ou qu'elle n'est pas suffisamment caractérisée pour justifier tout cela ?

Si je ne peux dire qu'il a été blanchi, est ce que je peux dire qu'il bénéficie de la présomption d'innocence et qu'il n'a pas été condamné pour les infractions qui lui ont été reproché ?

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 6 months ago

Honestly, the only good advice is to consult a doctor.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

Et ça en est où pour les "vrais" policiers ?

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

Reactive armor. This man is a tank.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

C'est hors-sujet et je m'en excuse, il y a que moi qui refuse systématiquement les cookies de tracking ?

Maintenant, plus aucun site de média n'autorise la consultation sans accepter les cookies :(

Et puis copier/coller des articles c'est vrai que c'est pas dingue.

Je crois qu'il va falloir que j'accepte un peu plus de cookies car en l'état je ne pourrai plus avoir accès à aucun site de presse...

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

The difference with tile is that it can be used on any platform hence why I'm mentioning it.

Airtag can only be tracked by iphones. Samsung tags only by Samsung phones.

Tiles can be tracked by both an Android phone and an iphone even though the latter will probably never happen.

Right now I have an electric scooter with the Find My feature and I can't use it because I don't own any apple products.

My only hope is that the EU forces yet another regulation to force intercompatibility in these devices and guarantee that they cannot be used by creeps too easily.

One can hope.

In the meantime I bought a bunch of Tiles that I just noticed are all out of battery one year after buying them...

In any case there is barely any tile users where I live so all of that is pointless. The Apple network is the one I would benefit from using but as usual it's completely closed down...

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

The excuse is generally not that they work harder but that their experience and skill makes them somehow difficult to find.

But again even if they have very specific experience and skills these salaries are absolutely bullshit.

It's not like 1 in a million person can handle a CEO job. It's obviously not true.

I really think we should all have laws that set the maximum gap between salaries in a business. That way CEO can still bullshit people about insane salaries but at least they will have to pull up everybody in the business.

Let's instrument the CEO greed so that they are forced to pay everybody below them before they can get a raise.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

Probably could have added :

Source: Fox News

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Also bugmenot.com is pretty handy sometimes.

Sadly, a lot of websites are blocking temporary email domains :(

I used jetable.org for years but now it's fairly commonly blocked in email forms.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 year ago

This looks really cool !

Although I would be a bit concerned login in this website instead of your instance.

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