[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

Does anybody know what this said?! I'm having the same problem!

Edit: nevermind, I figured it out.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 15 points 3 days ago

I imagine Sales(tm) would not manage to clear that bar, and Pulaski would have no idea either way (unless maybe she were thoroughly briefed).

But he was a LCDR in Starfleet, on board the most prestigious ship in the fleet, and clearly had the respect of the crew he worked with. She had to completely ignore all of that to display the prejudice she showed. I think it's perfectly correct to take issue with it.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

"Oh, I'm sorry, is that distracting you?"

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 16 points 5 days ago

Your gay uncle can get married for now. That's still potentially on the chopping block with the current Supreme Court.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Niche crossover?

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 89 points 4 weeks ago

"But the body's just... lying there. Right?"

DM stares


"Yes. Don't..."


[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 139 points 4 weeks ago

This isn't even satire. I am willing to bet if my conservative coworkers even hear about it, they'll basically say this. Or make some comparison to Venezuela if they are slightly more aware than just parroting Fox.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 116 points 1 month ago

So to preface, I am absolutely and without reservation against the death penalty, so any state-sanctioned murder is unacceptable to me.

That being said, if they're going for painless, why not just a captive bolt stunner the their brain stem? Like, having them lie back in a massage table with a container for the blood (heaven forbid the audience should experience the discomfort of gore with their death spectacle), and just pop it when it's time. Guaranteed to shut them off, mess is handled, suitable for a casket, and no suffering. They wouldn't even have a chance to feel it.

And if the thought of putting a human down like cattle is disturbing to you, good. It should be, just like any other way we would keep somebody locked up waiting to be killed.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 248 points 3 months ago

My experience with people who are really into working out is that they want everyone to be into working out, and want to help you get there. They're nerds for lifting. They're excited to get you excited.

Anyone who shit-talks you for not already being great at it is a fucking poser and you should tell them that.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 117 points 7 months ago

Okay, I need to say it: having an ad for your own programming is still an ad.

Paramount. I'm looking at you, Paramount. I don't want to watch your shitty movie/TV show/whatever about the shitty mom from the His Dark Materials series losing another kid. Stop playing the same goddamn ad for it before every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Especially since you feel the need to double whatever goddamn volume I have set in the opening to the ad. I pay for the subscription, I already bought your product. Fuck off with your shitty ad.

I mean, others do it too and it pisses me off, but I'm on Season 2 of TNG and I may just have to get it some other way and canceling Paramount because that ad has started really getting to me.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 95 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Here's a better question, Judge Pan.

Could a president order Seal Team Six to assassinate unsympathetic judges, either of an appeals court or the Supreme Court itself, since that's an "official act?" Because that might be something worth considering.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 115 points 8 months ago

From everything I've heard about the election in Argentina, it was the meeting of "Anything is better than this" and "it can always get worse." The former won, and proved the latter correct.

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