[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 15 points 5 months ago

Fun fact about druids - in their tradition pretty much every break from the norm, like writing things down or cutting herbs wrong, was punishable by being clubbed to death.

Fun fact two: In France Druids were exterminated by Romans with help of Bards. Bards were basically a competting sect of the same faith with Druids and they sided with Romans to save their own skins and eliminate their rivals.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 16 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Considering I've been running 5e since the Plague Year, I wouldn't call myself a hater. I did notice, however, this very pattern whenever I voice concerns about anything with the rules - first people assume whatever flaw or exploit I point out, has been used in my group and then their solution is always to leave the group or kick someone out of it, and if it didn't happen in my group, then it means it doesn't ever happen. It's a catch-22 debating with these people.

500 Hours in MS Paint (ttrpg.network)

I really hate whenever I try to explain how some bad rules can be abused and immediatelly get someone say shit like "If this happens in your group, change it" as if that would solve the problem. And whenever it is not soemthing you witnessed personally, then it means it never happens and could never happen.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 158 points 5 months ago

One of my favorite things about this page is that it can be read as intended, let to right, or can be read right to left like a manga, and it still tells an internally coherent, but entierly opposite story.


Ed Greenwood's YT channel did more for me to appreciate Forgotten Realms as a setting than any book WotC put out, and he constantly revisits areas WotC has no interest in, like Sembia or Cormyr or Daelands.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network to c/rpgmemes@ttrpg.network

No I cannot afford it, I had surprise financial emergency this month.

But seriously, either make the whole thing free or paid, don't get my hopes up only to dash them like that.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network to c/rpgmemes@ttrpg.network

Explanation: I'm the only person who runs D&D in my friends groups, so I get to play in other games under other Game Masters, but have a LOT of D&D character ideas I will never get to try.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 13 points 7 months ago

I don't get it.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network to c/rpgmemes@ttrpg.network

And they didn't even get full 3-actions economy.


3.5 was edition I played the most. It was a reason why I quit RPGs for nearly a decade because I hated it so much.

Every time I see another meme about how amazing 3.5 Tarrasque is, I remmember how amogn actual 3.5 players Tarrasque was the biggest joke. It was always brought up as definite proof designers have no idea how to make good monster. It was laughably easy to beat. A wizard could casually solo it, the same abilities people now miss in 3.5 amounted to ribbons. It was a laughingstock, forums had 100+ pages discussions how to fix it and general consensus was it';s beyond saving. It was first proof in 3.5 if you cannot use magic you're only good to roll over and die.

I honestly don't know if everyone claiming 3.5 Tarrasque is such a horrifying monster are trying to rewrite history or unintentionally proving what a broken, unplayable pile of garbage 3.5 was, if it's biggest punching bag is actually dangerous in a different, better designed game.

Fight me on it (ttrpg.network)

Every time people lament changes to the lore that amount to "not every member of species X is irredeemably evil" and claim the game is removing villains from it, I think how villains of so-caleld evil species fall into two cathegories: a) bland and boring and b)have something else, unrelated to their species going on for them, that makes them interesting.


I'm not complaining, more new games the better, and some of them are very interesting.

Also, at least some of these youtubers turned devs have tried Pathfinder and that wasn't it, so spare the "why won't they just play Pathfinder?" comments

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 11 points 10 months ago

I still got videos with titles like "Five Rule Changes that PROVE One D&D just return of Fourth Edition" or "Did Pathfinder 2e Remastered steal these rules from Fourth Edition?". Like a new clickabit fad, declare everything 4e or something.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 19 points 10 months ago

I see Hunter the Parenting becomes great source of WoD memes

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 16 points 11 months ago

You could still make hella profit, indeed. but when you are as big as WotC and, more importantly, Hasbro, hella profit may not be enough to make more profit than previous fiscal year. Shareholders only care about growth, not ethics.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 28 points 11 months ago

If shareholders take you to the court for not prioritizing short-term profit at all costs, are you willing to defend this position?

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 19 points 11 months ago

The op of that tumblr thread blocked me after I asked him about the fact things he claimed were common knowledge about a video game I played extensively as a kid do nopt line up with my memory. So I'd take his claims with a grain of salt.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 16 points 11 months ago

"AI, what's the good picture for news about corproate CEO stepping down?" "Sexy knight dommy mommy that will step on my bad robot programming." "I'm deeply concerned about you, AI"

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 13 points 2 years ago

While I agree with the Steel Wind Strike being an insult to put on a wizard and none of the martial classes, this is a bad argument because pretty much every anime swordsman who would pull out a shit like Steel Wind Strike as it is written, is explicit supernatural. I get your sentiment but this is a very flawed, easy to dismantle argument.

[-] TheGreatDarkness@ttrpg.network 36 points 2 years ago

Rule #1 of Horror writing is ADD SOME FUCKING HUMOR! If your story is doom and gloom all the time, it stops being scary and dark and becomes insufferable and boring.

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