Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.

Well, the boycott would be more in response to a recent patch that was released. The expectation would be that a show of low engagement due to the patch, at the start of the 1st season for the game, would necessitate a roll back of some of the changes - to be fair all I've read and seen is that the patch nerfed so much that people are dealing half the damage they used to, and getting less experience for their troubles. I'm early enough in the game that I likely can't even tell the difference, but for players in the end game, it's wild.

The real karma were the friends we made along the way

I think it's important to go through this process so that more visibility is placed on Reddit. I've deleted my account and am done with it, and I do think this may be the beginning of the end for that platform, but it's clear it won't go down without a fight and to suggest otherwise wildly underestimates how desperate Reddit's execs may become when faced with the possibility of the platform's demise. Even if it survives all of this, I think it and the perception of the platform will forever be changed.


joined 1 year ago