Why is cow tipping your favourite sport?
No, I've been actively boycotting them for many years by now.
If anyone can afford suing Disney, it's RDJ.
But first they need to agree that B5 is superior to both big franchises.
I see you know your Judo well.
Starfleet was founded to seek out new life – well, there it sits! ...waiting.
Story: II / Brotherhood / Revelations
Character: III / Rogue
Setting: Black flag
Commuting home via train. It derailed. I didn't really notice it because I had my headphones on and read a book. It was a slightly bumpy ride, but that sort of stuff happens, right? I only realised something was off when people started smashing in the windees and breaking open the doors, climbing off and running away.
I packed my stuff, hopped outside and looked at the train. Sure enough, it was fully off the tracks.
I've never been in that small town before and had no idea how to get home. So, I did the only reasonable thing I could think of: Finding the nearest local pub, drinking a pint of beer, having a smoke and figure things out from there.
Met a sweet couple about my age over there who were on the same train and lived in that area. We had a lovely chat, a few more pints and then they dropped me off at the bus stop from where I could get back home. We became close friends.
Still adorable
The Jesus Fish is the icing on the cake.
While I really like him performing Brunt and others, Shran was by far my favourite role of him.
How about: "By the power of Grayskull…"?