[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 2 months ago

not mine, but a you get the idea. i prefer natural stone. when you have the movement in muscle memory, you are really fast - and you don't need to keep track of strokes per side.

looks like you have a setup, which you like already. so just disregard this comment 😉

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 4 months ago

The nazi symbol is always drawn in one way (卐). while the religious symbol can be drawn any direction, i usually see it the other way around (卍). could be that religious users want to distance themselves from shaved morons...

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 4 months ago

that is great, that you can organise work and kids that way! in my estimate, you see your kids more than many 9 to 6 workers

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 5 months ago

point 1:

representatives did not get elected for a certain (maximum) timeframe and could always be voted out again.

point 2:

(possibly rightfully arguing that the burgeoise could not accurately represent the workers)

You are asking him to have stopped before completing the beginning of the revolution, {...}

i am not asking to stop in the middle, i am asking to do their homework. if you have a vote, are unhappy with the results, force your way... that means either you don't have the support from the general population or did not properly prepare for the system you had a vote in.

point 3:

While I will not say it was a good thing to match it with violence, {...}

well hopefully so!

{...} it is difficult to side with the Sailors against the forming Socialist Republic.

never mind...

if open opposition, demonstrations, strikes, etc. are not allowed, even faced with violence - democracy has failed. in theory you could vote representatives out, but if you know those with the power are not shy to imprison and kill you it is not dêmos krátos anymore, just krátos.

point 4:*

I have, and it does work, {...}

really? which communist small government are you part of? i am really interested in finding out about modern attempts in communism.

{...} ignored the idea of the Mass Line {...}

i did. additionally i had to simplify, summarise and choose context a lot. afterall this is neither a history nor politics class, but a lemmy comment below a comic strip.

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

Sure seems hard to draw a kite

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

That is why i am confused. The person I replied to claims that Jerboa and Liftoff have a bad ad-network. While i don't know Liftoff Jerboa for sure has no ads 🤔

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

I think you are replying to the wrong comment

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

Go and actually read about him! He was never proud of being an SS member, but never made a secret about it (hard to do as a POW of the Americans).

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

The problem is not the dogs size. A Golden Retriever is about the same size as an American Bulldog (bitches usually a bit taller). The problem is which type of people a breed tends to attract. Retrievers are considered a nice cuddly family dog, bulldogs are seen as aggressive protection dogs.

However a retriever can be a dangerous dog and very able to kill humans if trained the wrong way. Protection dogs need to be trained to the highest degree, never go for the throat and immediately release on command.

[-] ToxicWaste@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

I do understand where you're coming from. But since it's the law, to have these cookie things, there obviously will be a service for it.

SO could probably implement it themselves. But small businesses and volunteers of clubs etc. probably don't have the expertise to do so...

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