Please refrain from using personal insults in this community. You're free to express your opinion, but personal insults does nothing but make the community more toxic. c/programming is a gathering ground for both inexperienced and experienced programmers, so this level of lashing out is uncalled for.
Might as well start with a solid foundation from the start though. The extra work is minimal so there isn't much of a time cost to it. I wouldn't call it overengineering, it's just a different way to write code, and the way many naturally default to without really thinking about it.
Depends on the file, very simple files may only warrant npp, but VSCode for more complex stuff where live preview may come in handy.
Stockholm syndrome from whatever the convention is for your daily programming language. Long live snake case 🐍
Just be a decent human being and use type hints in python, problem solved.
Well that was quick. I barely had the time to look it up and edit my comment lol.
Thanks, appreciate the response.
putting thumbnails in the file selection dialog
Could you elaborate what you by this?
Language specific communities
What plug-in is it and does it work with Firefox? I had a plug-in that worked with chrome, but it didn't work with Firefox and I never got around to fixing it.
That worked, thanks
Obviously this is opinionated and I won't pretend it's the only correct way, but a few things that stood out to me was.
inconsistent use of type hinting. You type hint the "elem" arg for process_content and nothing else. Personally I use type hints religiously, but at the very least I would type hint every arg. The type may be obvious to you now, but it may not in 6 months, or for others who want to contribute.
while on the topics of type hints, you use "#" to comment the purpose of each function, but you really should use docstrings instead. Text editors supporting python will then use the docstrings to show users the description of each function without you having to jump to the declaration to read the description. It's particularly useful when you got multiple modules. For some IDEs like pycharm, the same format works on variables too.
You should wrap up your bottom infinite loop in
if __name__ == '__main__':
to avoid getting locked if you down the line want to reuse the class/module and import it into another file.
And the most opinionated point of them all:
- I would recommend running a linter like pylint to warn about potential code smells. E.g. you're redefining the python built-in "id", no exception types are specified in your try blocks, too many branches and statements in process_content() which would probably benefit from being segmented into smaller functions, lines that are twice as long as the recommended length, wrong import order, etc... (these are purely pylint feedback)
I assume the setup is the same with GitHub's ci, but with GitLab you can automate pylint to check the the code with this:
image: python:3.10
- pip install pylint
- pylint *folder*```
That should actually work great, in the absence of being part of the API, thanks! Funnily enough the copilot autocomplete suggested that when I was formatting the url param.