I got you
Hahahaha thanks! This gave me a good laugh
Just saying... Shit just got real
To be honest I think it looks cool! Why not? Bring back the armor, capes and/or swords!
Can someone elaborate?
It pains me that I probably never do something so important that I will be remembered.
On there other hand, who was the right hand of Napoleon? Who decided the great pyramid should be build exactly there? What was the name of the guy who put the last stone in the Chinese wall? (Figurative speaking)
So to be remembered you need:
- do "great things" (not great specifically... You know what I mean)
- be the number one (second places don't count)
- make such a major impact on the world that even after your society has collapsed, people still remember you.
So the chances that I am in a position to do this would require some massive effort and even then, chances are slim....
When I started typing this reply I was a bit depressed. Now I am finished it just highlights the importance of enjoying oneself while it lasts.
Gambon who asked calmly?
Damn this looks depressing
Who would have expected this? Surprised pikachu
But the only one who opposed Putin (with any military power) being dead isn't necessary a good thing (imho)
Wait you asked for booty