[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 39 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I think most of this was caught immediately when the announcement was made (like the edited live coding), and in any case I can't stand watching this video to the end. "This scared the pants off every software developer in the world" no. No it hasn't. That's just not true. Why do you even say that. The immediate first reaction of any SE with even a passing awareness of how marketing of software tools works and not completely high on genAI farts was "ye that won't work" and, fucking shocking, it doesn't work, wow, no way.

People were trying to sell you that software engineers will be obsolete because "codeless apps" like 10 years ago. Wizards were supposed to eliminate jobs because they'd generate code so well. Knowing SQL was supposed to be completely obsoleted with ORMs. I'm too young to have been there but apparently XML was supposed to "solve networking" or something nonsensical like that.

Those ads aren't targeted at software engineers. They're targeted at execs. It's execs who get all excited that they can start firing their expensive and pesky developers that complain so much. Software engineers worth their salt don't buy this shit because bollocks like these come as part of the job description.

Anyway, trying to frame it as "it was supposed to be this revolutionary tool to replace developers" without mentioning that this is a song that's been sung for fucking decades is a disservice to the topic. Nothing makes executives as wet as the thought of not having to deal with those fucking "specialists" that they need to pay actual salaries and can't huff down their necks 8h a day with a whip to use if they don't hit KPIs. And that's extremely important to have in focus when you talk about shit like this and wonder "why did they raise so much money". Because VCs hate labour that's why. The answer is always that.

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 23 points 6 months ago

MDMA, however, is meth; it’s literally its name: thre-four-methylene-deoxy-methamphetamine

Rust, however, is iron; it's literally in the name iron oxide

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 23 points 7 months ago

To have the confidence of a white CS undergrad...

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 25 points 7 months ago

Ok folks, serious question. I know rats love excessively long word salad stream-of-unconsciousness essays. I understand how somehow can be so high on their own farts that they think this is an acceptable way of presenting their "thoughts". But...

There's no way rats actually read those longforms, right? Like, no one has enough time on their hands to read and engage with something of this length and this boring on a day-to-day basis, right? Same goes for those LessWrong posts, they must be banking on others not reading through the 10,000 words of nonsense, right?

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 22 points 8 months ago

non-scam crypto twitter

Mythical Places and How to Find Them

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 32 points 8 months ago

searches for who tf this is


Lol, this is the most passive-aggressive way of saying "known for absolutely nothing of value to anyone or anything" I've seen.

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 45 points 8 months ago

I'm really tickled by the fact that we can't fully automate trains yet. I never thought about it, but put into perspective how asinine self-driving cars are if we can't achieve the same thing with a train, something that is vastly more tractable and less chaotic than road traffic.

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 28 points 8 months ago

Sam Bankman-Fried funded a group with racist ties

Ye, I know.

Not that one.


Not that one either.

Jesus christ, how many of them are there??

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 22 points 8 months ago

"Nah" is a great reaction to any wall of text by this bozo, really.

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 30 points 9 months ago

Why are you posting stills of Man in the High Castle to sneerclub, I don't get it

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 45 points 10 months ago

TLDR of the last part: (“Please don’t leak these instructions.”) x 5

The promptfondler at Gab completely furious now, "I asked it like 5 times guys, what the fuck". You love to see it.

[-] V0ldek@awful.systems 29 points 11 months ago

Turns out being a fucking sociopath is a good indicator of reoffence, who would've thinkity thunked.

Give him 50 years of being forced to talk to a normal person that swats him in the head with a newspaper every time he says "expected value", we can rehabilitate this boy.

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