We need a digital seed library with the crispr ready DNA of various seeds for pirates (humans that need to eat) to archive.
I'll take "US hegemony" for $1000, Bob.
The Moon Wars of 2055 and 2072, and the Martian invasion of 2103.
Jafar in Twisted. So so good.
Use SimpleLogin and Bitwarden for everything. I never use the same email or password anywhere and can turn off receiving emails from the source for each account.
The neat and confusing thing about nix and flakes is that you don't need to be using the OS to benefit from using nix as a home manager/ package installer.
Fleek is a good example.
I think Flatpak or AppImages would be a more appropriate distribution method, as much as I love nix and flakes.
Isn't that from Lady and the Tramp? I think they did change those characters when they made the live action one.
Feeding into existential dread, studying philosophy and trying magic mushrooms. YMMV
If anything comes of this and we get a comprehensive single payer system it will so many positive effects as we adjust over the course of a decade.
Something that not many people consider is the effect on business owners and labour:
business owners will have a lower overhead for their employees insurance
Labour unions will have better bargaining power because of this cost reduction.
That would require the Republicans to have knowledge of history outside their own country.
As a Canadian, please don't come here (unless your reproductive rights/ bodily autonomy are under direct threat)
Sometimes I feel hopeless with our political parties and economy up here and think about moving out of country and then I remember that as a citizen I have a duty and responsibility to remain a voice of reason in my community.
As a US citizen you are afforded real rights that citizens in other countries do not have. For example: In Canada we don't have rights, we have freedoms. Those freedoms can be suspended by the government at any time.
Be the change. Fix your system. Help turn your nation into the example for the global west that it always aspired to.